
Need advice, trouble with my parents because of a girl

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So I'm having real trouble with my parents because of my ex girlfriend. We had gone out for months and we broke up, and hadn't been going out this entire summer. Meanwhile, we had worked things out, and started seeing each other again. not going out, but fooling around. I go away to college in a few days and my parents found out about it. They are going apes**t and fighting with me. Saying "I lied to them" and now making it more like "you shouldn't see her again." The point is it isn't any of ttheirbusiness right? They are all concerned about me having s*x and doing anything else. They betrayed my trust first by making it impossible for me to talk to them. How do I end this fight? I don't care how, I'm at the point where I don't want to speak to them now that I'm going to college. How do I explain it's none of their buisness?




  1. It is their business. Just because you are 18 doesnt mean you are grown. When you leave THEIR house, get your own job, pay your own bills then you are grown. When you are grown, your parents cannot tell you what to do with your life. I suggest that if you dont want them in your business to move out and be a man.  

  2. You're leaving in a few days so why worry about it. Once you're gone it'll be easier to tell them how you feel.

  3. wait your going to collage and your parents are controlling you?!?! thats messed up!

  4. they obviously felt that this ex relationship was not the best thing for you. They may be seeing things that we saw in our son's relationship before he ever got married. Eight months after the marriage his soon to be ex wife cleaned out the bank account and left without even telling him she was going. She wanted a life of travel and fun which she decided after they were married. Her father had the decency to come to our sons job and tell him that his wife wouldn't be there when he got home. This was after a kiss in the morning and a what would you like for supper. Don't hate your parents since I'm sure they do love you and only want the best for you.

  5. I think you should sit down and talk to your parents,  let them understand that you feel its your bussniess how ur social life goes on and what you do in it.  but don't fight with them, let them yell and scream till they loose there voice,  but keep your cool.

  6. Your going to have to tell mom and dad this.........

    I love you guys more than anything in the world.

    I didn't tell you about her because i didn't want you to get upset.

    I'm going away and your going to have to trust me to make my own mistakes in life.

    I don't want to fight with you guys, I want you to be the positive force in my life, not the negative.


    It's hard to tell them but you have to do it.

    Good Luck :)

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