Ok, so im a junior in high school and i am having a troubled relationship with my Aerospace teacher. He is constantly singling me out to be d*ck. All my friends in his class had him as a teacher in their advanced physics class and they all love him (mainly because he is pretty good looking for a teacher and he likes to flirt with them sometimes... i think hes a pervert), and to all his other students, he is real laid back and nice. But for some reason, he hates me. And i mean he really REALLY hates me. When ever i am chatting in his class, he always yells at me from across the room to stop talking.... which i would understand except that whenever i am talking, we are doing nothing in class (its one of those easy A elective classes) or 5 other groups of people are talking around me, being louder than i am. Another time, when he gave out the first test of the class, i was too busy the day before to study for the test so i got a D-. When he was handing back the tests, and right as he gives me mine, he says to the class "Yeah, everyone did pretty well... except for Ms. Aelynne here (me), who surprisingly scraped a passing grade." I was SSOO humiliated especially since i Never do so bad at school and all these kids that are WAY dumber than me in class were laughing at me. Isnt a person's grades suppose to be private? And then, a few days later, it was really cold outside and my school's heaters suck so everyone was wearing jackets. Nearly everyone had jackets that were out of dress code and most teachers didnt mind since it was so early in the season to be cold. Yet, in the middle of class, he singles me out, and tells me to take off my jacket because it is out of dress code (it was just a regular black and red jacket with a college name on it). I looked around the room and literally 7 other people (yes i counted) had jackets that violated the dress code. One guy, not three feet from him, had a GREEN and black jacket that was without a doubt not allowed. So i had to freeze for the rest of the class. (and i would have pointed out the other people without dress code appropriate jackets except that one of my friends didnt have a dress code shirt underneath her jacket and i didnt want to make her have take off hers and then let her get into trouble.) Anyway, this happened a few days in row, each day with other people going unpunished while i got sent to the principals office (three times). On the third time i told the principal that he was singling me out and that she could come look in our class and see everyone else breaking dress code. Then, one day, i was telling my friends a wild story (it was 100% true), and he was near us listening in (he likes to hang around me and my friends because hes a pervert), and right as my story was getting exciting, he interrupts me and says "Excuse me, are you compulsive or something?" And i was like "what?" And he was like "are you a compulsive liar?" My friends told me to finish the story but i was so furious and embarrassed i just stopped talking for the rest of class. Another time, we had got off topic in class and started talking about extra-universes and extra-dimensions and stuff like that. He kept asking these questions, telling his advanced physics students not to answer since most of them already knew. No one else in the clas knew the answers to the questions but me so i kept answering them (i had watched a movie on this stuff so i knew all the answers.). When i told him the answers, he scoffed, yelled at me, and told me to stop getting the answers from his advanced phyics students (most of them were my friends and were sitting by me). Yet, none of them had said a word to me and he just assumed that i was too dumb to know stuff like that. When they tried to back me up, he just assumed i was 'lying' again. Im just sick of this teacher and literally everyday he is finding ways to insult me or yell at me. I tried telling other teachers about him but they dont believe me or dont do anything because he is just 'so nice of a teacher and all the other students love him'. And my friends dont even care because they are so freakin in love with him that they just ignore the fact that hes an extreme d*ck to me.