
Need advice about colored mortar. Any bricklayers out there?

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Our old house has a redish mortar between the bricks. Some of them need tuck pointed. What is the process to get the same color ? When its dry it will be lighter. I have the powdered color already. Oh also how long do I have to work with the mortar before it gets too dry? I have done lots of things but never tried this. Watched a video on it so I have an idea about doing it.




  1. You sound as if you have done your homework - you are just scared. That's normal

    Carefully measure the amount of powder by ounces that you add to a carefully measured amount of mortar.

    Now I hope you have taken a small angle grinder to grind out all the bad mortar not just where it has already fell out. Anyway grind out some mortar on the side of the house that is the hardest to see - such as behind a tree, bushes,etc.

    Now put some of this small,reduced size batch of mortar and let it dry. If too light add some more powder (measure what you add), if too dark - then make another test batch and reduce the coloring. Do this until you get it right. Let mortar dry for a couple of days.

    Mortar will stay workable about 1 hour - after that throw it out and start a new batch. Measure coloring carefully along with mortar and water.

  2. check around at some old, old lumber yards and hardware stores and see if they have any powder cement coloring left. I still have some black, red and brown, plus clay color that I found at an old lumber yard. Sometimes, if you have a ready mix comppnay nearby, that has cement trucks? you can buy some from them. It's cheap, a mess and easy to work with. Just get sacks of Sakrete and mix, adding a little color as you go. You are going to have to experiment as to the shade but it is so cheap, and easy, that it is actually kind of fun to do. I covered half my back yard with pavers that I made and had an assortment of colors to use. saved about $1000 over ewhat it would have cost going to WalMart.

  3. It's trial and error on color. Mix a little let it dry and check for color. as your mortar drys out just add a splash of water and mix it up but only mix a 1/2 gal. to 1 gal. of motar at a time.

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