
Need advice about the Nikon D80 Vs. the Nikon D300 DSLR Cameras....?

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I have asked a lot of questions regarding cameras and have been given some great advice such as, looking on Ken Rockwell's site for an amazing amount of information, and great places to buy cameras.

I am wondering now...which camera should I get...The Nikon D80 or the D300. I realize there is a huge price difference, but lately I am being told that the camera will go obsolete, so it is best to buy something like the D80 and then buy a 18-200mm VR lense, rather than buying such an expensive body. Because then you can just keep updating the lense if needed.

I am wanting to take pictures of engagements, children, babies. I want to know if this camera, along with my creativity and skill can make portraits that people will buy of their children?

I went to Wolf Camera and checked out the cameras, held them, and so on.

I am just needing the advice of some people who have this camera possibly and use it professionally, or know people who do. I just don't want to buy it, and not have the full capabilities to produce amazing images that can be blown up in size, etc

Thanks for any help :]




  1. All digital cameras will go obsolete, so you can't really use that as a criteria for a purchase decision. The question becomes when will it become obsolete? The D300 is a fairly new camera with some of the latest technology and image processing algorithms, so it'll be around for at least a little while. Do you need all that a D300 has to offer? You have to answer that one for yourself. The D80 is a mature camera that has been out for I think 2 years now, and in fact, it's replacement, the D90 has just been announced. So now there's a timing issue. Do you need a camera this minute? Or do you want to wait for the D90 to be generally available? You could pre-order it and get one of the first ones if you like. Personally I was thinking my next camera would be a D300, until I saw the D90 announcement. Now that's what I'm aiming for. The video feature was a deal closer for me.

  2. I think you should consider a nikon D90 vs a Nikon D300. The D90 is not available yet but you can preorder it with an 18-105 VR lens. It is expected to be out later this month.

    I have a D300 and the advantage I see with that camera over the d90 is the 300 has a sturdier body(required for a professional), it has the 51 AF points (quick auto focus for wedding or events you are taking) and also you want to have a pro camera when you charge people money for your services because if the customers have a "better" or more expensive camera than you, you won't look professional. In taking pictures it is always the person behind the camera, the lens and then the camera. But a professional should carry a professional camera, and I suggest that you get a D300. Will the d90 do the job for you? of course, but will your customers think of you as s pro when you have a d90 with you?

  3. For the type of shooting you are going to do, you might consider the D200. It is a very capable camera. The D300 is a great camera, but unless you are shooting high speed action, the D200 has a very capable feature set.

    I would suggest that you consider saving a bit on the camera body and getting a truly professional lens like the AF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 G IF-ED DX Zoom. This will have a greater effect on the quality of the images you create than the camera body behind it.

    A high quality lens like this will stay with you. You might upgrade camera bodies several times before you ever need to replace it.

    I use a 17-55 for portraits, weddings and general photography. It is my workhorse lens.

    You will get better, sharper images with a pro lens and a consumer body, than you will ever get with a pro body and a consumer lens.

  4. Both cameras will give you good images both are well built and both will last you for years. So in some ways this is a no lose situation. I havea  Nikon D300 and it does more than I could dream of and I have friends with the D80 and they enjoy thier cameras and are very happy with them. So the question really comes down to what do you want a camera to do and how much are you willing to pay for the features

    The D300 has a newer image processor, better focusing, more versitile metering and can shoot at more frames per second

    The best thing might be to go to the Nikon comparison chart and go down the list seeing which one has the features you will use

    Here is the chart, start around page 4 on the document

    either way congratualtion on a great camera  

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