
Need advice after fall?

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Hi everyone,

I feel really silly about this. I don't normally drink but on Friday I went way over my limit and I ended up falling and hitting the back of my head. It's still sore to touch and I'm also still feeling very disorientated. Almost as if in a constant dream-like state or a fog covering my brain. I woke up this morning with my body spasming, I know it sounds odd but it's the only way to describe it. Is this to do with drinking to much or have I done something to my head. As you can imagine I'm very embarrassed about this.

Thanks for any advice in advance!




  1. seek medical attention.  Sounds like you may have a concussion.

  2. I wouldn't think drinking would make your body spasm, so I'm thinking you might have a concussion....might want to get it checked out....

  3. It's a concussion. Go to the doctor right away, get somebody to drive you because it's dangerous to drive with a concussion. Try not to fall asleep because you could end up in a coma.  

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