
Need advice and help on how to get my weeping willow tree healthy ? Done everything.?

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My weeping willow tree lost all leaves then some parts of the bark are turning black .I have watered it every night put peat moss even a tree soaking hose around it also put mircle grow nutrient spikes in the ground around it dont know what else to do or if it is even still alive. How long will take to start sprouting leaves again need all the help I could get. The tree was a earth day project my 5 yr. old son helped to plant.




  1. the tree is a very thirsty one -so consider your zone.  talk to a local arborist.

  2. You seem to have done all the wrong things for this important plant. First of all you must choose the right spot. Keep it away from houses and drains because of it's vigourous root system. A good sunny spot is best. Contrary to popular belief, you must not grow it in waterlogged ground. The soil should be rich, and well prepared before planting, ie get rid of all ajacent weeds and prevent them returning. and finally, prune regularly, at least once a year, so even now you can cut this tree back, it may be its saviour. I wish you well

  3. Its hard to say what it needs but I would remove the fertilizer spikes. I doubt if they're helping the tree. Take a knife and scratch the outer layer of some of the branches.  If you find a green color just under the outer cambium layer then that branch is alive.  Just a small section will show you this hopefully green color. If it shows brown then the branch is dead down to there.  If you don't find any green in sufficient amounts it may be necessary to plant another tree.  No fertilizer until next spring and give it enough water.  The hole you plant it in should be twice as wide as it is deep. It should only be as deep as the root ball.

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