
Need advice badly and kinda soon!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok here is my delima. I have a date tonight with a girl that I've been seeing. Its not been exclusive because she is seeing another guy. We are suppose to get together and I'm going to stay the night. Problem is I got talking with my ex girlfriend last night and there is a posibility that we might beable to get back together. So I don't know what to do. Spend the weekend with my ex and try to fix our relationship or see the girl I'm dating and hope that she decides to want to be with me exclusive. I mean I back in my day would have been cool with a one night stand but I just want it to mean more. With my ex girlfriend I know our intimate time would be special. Please help I have probally a window of 4-6 hours from now 5:30pm est. Thanks




  1. Follow your heart. If that doesn't work-it's a coin toss.

  2. Before you make a decision, ask yourself why your ex is your ex.

    What were you doing talking to her last night?

    You say you don't want a one night stand with the new want it to mean more.  Then  why are you even considering spending the weekend with you ex, except for the s*x.

    Kinda mixed up there, aren't you hon?

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