
Need advice for highschool?

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Ok,, I know that loads of people have been asking this question, but i think my situation is a bit different...Ever since I was little, I was homeschooled, because of my mom's seperation with my dad, I started going to public school begining of this year, the midde of the school year to middle school. I didn't make a whole lot of friends, but I made 7 maybe, idk. I'm really nervous about highschool and on top of that, I'm muslim so I'm wondering how people will react to this. I wear the hijab, the scarf on my head, but regular clothes like any other kid would wear...So can you give me some tips on highschool and stuff? Like how to make friends and stuff...i mean i'm guess thats a fallback.




  1. I can tell you that kids now aday are not too accepting of the whole hijab thing.  No offense, but your kind of at a disadvantage already with the whole people accepting you thing.  But you can make it work by just being yourself.  Kids are going to judge you more if you are shy and quiet. Big tip is to sit near the front of your classrooms! Mainly slackers sit in the back and I know more mature kids tend to sit up front.  Kind of nerdy, but its a great way to meet kids who are more than likely in your situation.  I would guess your hardest part of the day will be eating lunch because you have to pick where to sit.  So use your best judgement as to where friendly students would sit.  Or if your feeling extra confident, ask someone in one of your first classes if you could join them.  All in all, just be confindent in yourself and you will do fine! GOOD LUCK!  

  2. im in high school and there are lots of muslim people who wear hijabs. dont worry about it. people in high school are really friendly and most people dont judge others.

    well good luck

  3. i'm starting too.

    but the thing is that with me i know half the kids already.


    you just need to be yourself.

    that's it.

    if you're not then you'll attract people who don't actually like you for who you are and you don't want that!

  4. dnt worry about it, relax and be yourself.

    wiki answers has a page on how to be more sociable, could be worth a look?

  5. Umm..its a cruel i think youre definetly may have some trouble, but thats only because people pick on people that are you need to stand strong..high school well it sucks but the good thing about it is dont need a lot of friends you just need a few great ones that stick by your side all the time.

    this is a new school new people situation..i was mega shy like i was scared for people to think i was breathing wierd like i went crazy..

    but you know what i grew up im now in my last 2 years of highschool..

    you have to put your shyness behind you...this is your chance to make a difference, a new first impression. and just be yourself really, people like down to earth ppl♥

    so good luck and im sure youll make plenty of new friends maybe even some in the smae culture or atleast people who could relate tou you.

  6. You've got 7 friends already right? That sounds like plenty to me! lol, you'll be fine. No one treated the Muslim kids at my old high school any differently than anyone else. You might get a few questions about your religion from curious classmates but that's it.

    The best way to make friends is probably to start off in the classroom. Sit next to someone who looks friendly and chat with them before the bell rings. Ask them what school they came from (unless you recognize them from your lol) or what electives they're taking or something. Are these seven friends of yours are going to your high school then you're already pretty well off.

    Make sure you don't lose your schedule-at least until you've memorized it. Um...what else, an assignment notebook is really helpful. Try to sit in a seat that you're comfortable in-like, if you like sitting close to the door claim that seat-you're teacher might assign seats though since you're a freshman.

    Relax, freshman year is the easiest. You just have to get used to the new setting.

    Don't be afraid to ask other students for directions-I actually made a few friends that way (nothing like running like the wind towards your class to bring people together, lol)

    I think at every high school you can eat outside of the cafeteria so you can make friends that way too. Grab one of the friends you already know and sit near some friendly/interesting looking people.

    Be nice to the upperclassmen (they think you're cute if you do) Those freshmen that come on campus like they own it are the most annoying creatures ever.

    Don't believe the people who say high school sucks. If you've picked a good high school (one that is known for it's good grades and less for its sports is always a good choice) then you shouldn't have many problems. The school I went to was very accepting of differences (seriously-a lot of the bisexual and homosexual people came to our school, lol. There was next to no discrimination there)

    You might catch some slack because of the hijab thing but those types of narrow minded people are best ignored-if taunting persists however don't be hesitant to tell a teacher or vice principal or whatever.

    Try to have fun, kid. It's really not bad at all for the most part.

  7. some people wil lhave a problem with what you wear for your religion, but you will just have to ignore them. they aren't worth talking to anyways. making friends might be a little harder for that reason, but if you be yourself (corny line ik), youll get to know ppl. and join groups that you have interest in, then you can find friends who like the same things you do

  8. They're kids. They're going to think you're weird at first - anyone who is different is. Just show them you're human.

    Good way to meet people is to find extra-curriculars. They can usually ease you into commonalities and help strike up conversations and friendships.

    Good luck! =D

  9. im muslim and now im in 8th grade

    i have tons of friends

    but i dont wear the hijab  and probably never will

    but i have a friend that does and shes strating highschool and have tons of friends

    nowaday people in schools dnt care if you muslim

    just go up to some students and say hi or something and strart a conversation soon by doing this you will have many friends.


  10. Be friendly and kind to everyone. Ask questions, show interest in other people's lives, everyone loves to talk about themselves. Don't talk about other people, imagine whatever you say or write down will be broadcasted. Practice seeing the good traits you have and show others self confidence. If you do something dumb, laugh it off...

    be yourself :)

  11. dont worry about it, i may not be home schooled but i'm in high school right now ( year 8) and trust me, things like that arent an issue. regardless of your religeon or your ethnic background or how you were raised, as long as you are nice to people and you stand up for your self when you are being teased, people will se that you are a strong and gentle person. besides, if you made 7 friends already, then thats great! keep it up, who cares if you wear a scarf on your head? does that make you feel less human? less popular? of course not, its a religeous garment so you cant help that. but if people dont like you becuase of that, then its not your fault. if u get bullied and stuff, report it imediatly and let a teacher or parent deal with it.

  12. The best advice I can give you is to be nice. If anyone makes mean remarks and gets you feeling bad just ignore them. They are probably insecure and life will be soo much less stressful if you let those things go. Be proud of who you are and make sure you feel good about yourself. When you're a happy nice person it will make others want to be around you and that will lead to some friendships.

  13. I just finished high school and it really wasn't that bad. when i started i really didn't have any friends and I was very shy.Start by talking to people and letting them get to know your personality. If they ask you alot of questions about your religion,just be nice and explain and be talkative. Other people feel the same way so just talk to others.People like when you talk to them and do't just sit there and stay quiet...that was hard for me. i know i may be hard at first but go and sit with a group of people st lunch at let them know who you are and find out about others too.

    People will like you, you just have to give them a chance and let them know your a good person,which im sure you are. People will want to know you because you aren't like everyone else. show them it's a good thing.

    good luck and be positive =]

  14. I'm sure every kid that is going to start school this year is feeling the same way you are. Don' t panic. it's normal. you'd be surprised how easy it is and how diverse your school is going to be. just be happy and don't be shy to talk to new people.

  15. Just go out there and compliment people. Like, hey i like your shoes they're cute, or he i like your outfit. Then introduce yourself and get their names. Dont be afraid to talk but dont talk to much either. Youll survive. Just be nice and be yourself.o yea and no one really cares about the Muslim thing.

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