
Need advice for my Betta.?

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I moved my Betta from a small goldfish bowl to a 2.5 gal aquarium.He acts like he is scared to death.It has been about 24 hrs.since the move.All he does is lay in the bottom on the rocks.Has not eaten either.Should I put him back in his small bowl?




  1. That is quite natural.  Nothing to worry about your fish.  Usually Betta are very quite and do not move rapidly as other fishes do (like guppies).

    Change of place doesn't matter as long as the new place more conjested than the other.

    Betta fish are not regular eaters.  They can stay without food, healthy for even two days. (Please do not try it though).

    Hope this answered all your queries.  Nice time

  2. Check your water. pH, gH, kH, as well as the ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. And check the water temp. Everything should be as close as possible to his old water.

    If you need/decide to make any changes to the water, do it VERY slowly. Rapid changes aren't good for fish.

    If the tank is uncycled, 24 hours isn't really long enough to create an amonia spike, but there will be one coming, keep a VERY close eye on it.

    In my experience, when the pH or gH has fallen/risen to fast, beta's turn whitish around the mouth.

    If your water is OK, he might just be a bit overwhelmed. Make sure he has a lot of places to hide. Big leafy plants are good for that.

    When I moved my goldfish into a bigger tank it took them two or three days to explore the whole tank.

  3. No. He is probably in shock from the new water. I hope you put some of his old water in there. The temp. from his old home and new should be the same so it won't cause him shock. And THANK YOU for moving him to a much bigger and better home.

  4. My Betta acted the exact same way when I moved him from a tiny little betta bowl to a 1.5 gallon aquarium. It took a couple of days before he would swim around normally.Your betta is just a bit freaked out because he's suddenly got so much more space than he did before. It will probably take him a bit of time to relax and adjust to his new,bigger environment but I am sure he will be just fine and back to normal in a couple days.

    I hope this helped a bit and I wish you the best of luck!

  5. Check water parameters and temperature and make sure nothing is off there. If its filtered it could have begun to cycle causing an ammonia spike.

    How quickly was he transferred? They can go into shock if plonked in too quickly.

  6. does it have a heater and is the tank cycled  

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