
Need advice from canon digital rebel expert?

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I've had my Canon Rebel XTi 10.1 megapixel camera for about 6 months now but I'm still not sure as to what all the functions are for. Any advice as to what settings would be better for pictures that are in doors, out doors, lighting, etc. Could anyone please clarify for me what the AV, TV, ect. settings are for? Thanks!




  1. Best advice I can give you is to pick up the manual and read it through and through. Take the camera out for a shoot, just practice. Apply every setting possible, you'll know what works best.

    Av stands for aperture priority (f stops). You shutter speed will be on auto.

    Tv stands for shutter speed priority (time value). Your Av will be on auto.

    M stands for manual, all the settings are, well, manual.

    Really, trial and error is the best way to figure your way around a camera.

  2. I guess you have to pick up a book on photography which specializes on the Rebel XTi/400D, if you want to understand all the manual settings and options.

    I suggest

    Here is a link for a list of books and Ebooks (you can purchase and download these) related to your camera.

    Or if you just want to get familiar with the guide, try this canon download link:

  3. Most manuals that come with camera's do a poor job.You could take classes or learn online.

  4. As the other said read the manual but here is a brief explanation of what the functions mean.

    ISO: Measures the sensitivity to light of the sensor. The higher the number the more sensitive to light the sensor is. The downside is that higher ISO's produce more noise or graininess in your photographs. You should always use the lowest ISO you can.

    Av: Aperture priority. What this means is that the camera will automatically set the correct shutter speed. You can set the desired aperture. You can set the aperture to F4 for instance and the camera will set the shutter speed.

    TV: Shutter priority. You set the shutter speed you want and the camera will set the aperture.

    M: Manual mode. You set both the shutter speed and aperture. The camera does nothing.

    Adep: Will allow you to have a preview of the depth of field. The amount of the image that is in focus.

    P: Program mode: This is basically like the full auto mode but will allow you to change settings if you want to.

    The settings for each of the situations you described is entirely dependent on the available light. Generally for indoor shots without flash you need a large aperture (smaller number). You will also have to raise the ISO.

    For outdoor shoots there are really no general rules. It depends on the subject your shooting.

    Portraits: A large aperture will create a shallow depth of field (DOF). This means the subject is in clear focus and the background is blurry.

    Landscapes: You want a small aperture. This will make everything in the picture in focus from near to far.

    Sports: You want fast shutter speeds. At least 1/250th of a second. Preferably faster but if it is below 1/250th you want be able to freeze action and will have blurry shots.

    I highly recommend that you study the manual and take a class. The better you know how to use your camera the better you pictures will be. Check out the community college in your area or a local real camera shop. Most will have some classes you can take.

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