
Need advice from women TTC, Pregnant, or with children who have experience using BBT chart...?

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My husband and I have been TTC. I got a little discouraged because for several months I noticed that my temperature stayed the same before, during, and after my period no matter what, it was always 97.2 My periods are kind of irregular they come any where between 28- 31 days. My last period was August 2 and I finally ovulated on August 16 I know this because I had pain on my right side and when I used the bathroom I had clear, slippery egg white mucus that stretched about 2 inches. My husband and I had intercourse at that time. On August 15 my temp was 97.5, On August 19 temp was 97.9, August 20, 21, & 22 temp 98.1, August 24, 25, & 26 98.6 My question is why does my BBT keep raising when I am pass ovulation? Shouldn't it be lower? I should be expecting a period either the 29, 30, 31 of August or the 1 of Sept. Thank you




  1. After you ovulate your temps should increase. When the egg is released, the corpus luteum (in ovary) produces a hormone called progestrone which increases your temp. It should stay high after ov and if you are pregnant it will keep high. Good Luck x

  2. Sounds like everything is on track temperature-wise for you.  Maybe your body is regulating your hormones out (were you on birth control before TTC?)  Hope the temp continues to raise/stay high!  Good luck to you.

  3. Actually, your temp is doing exactly what it should be doing right now.  It should stay raised for about 14 days (give or take a day or two) after ovulation.  If you're pregnant, your temp will stay up.  If not, it will fall and your period will start.  

    Check this out for an explanation:

    You can also click on "charting FAQ" for more info about it from that site.  Good luck!

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