
Need advice making a small fiberglass project.?

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Ok, without getting into the long explanation of what I am trying to do, I need advice. I need to make a light shade from fiberglass, its not that big and I do not need to make molds from it. I have the bondo fiberglass repair kit, a small set of the basics I need. But I need a shape to mold it to. I have read I can carve a shape out of foam. What kind of foam? Styrofoam, floral foam, or some kind of blue foam I read about? Also I read of a mold release or PVA to spread on the foam before the fiberglass. I went the the hardware stores, they are helpless. I know you can order it offline but its expensive and I only need a little bit. Is there a cheep alternative? I was reading something about foil and WD-40?? Any advice or ideas would be great. Thanks




  1. Try using bare copper wire to make a frame to hold the fiberglass. It works well as a frame. I used copper tubing for the main frame and copper wire for the lattice while making a fender for a 1967 C10 truck. I layered fiberglass on the underside of the fender and when that cured, layered fiberglass over the topside. Copper in a small project can be extended past the fiberglass for use as mounting hooks, or the like.

  2. obviously a n00b

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