
Need advice my 9wk hardly sleep's?

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Hi, I'm looking for some advice i have a 9wk old and seriously as the title says my bubba hardly sleeps at all he slept for about 5 hrs last night and is awake most of the day he probably had about 1hrs sleep as cat nap's

my first child she was really good in a regular pattern eating and sleeping where as my little boy he is any how he has been like this since birth and I'm finding it really difficult he eats all the time and is a massive 15pounds i love him to pieces but i'm finding him really hard to deal with

any one got any good tips on how to get him into a routine??





  1. rock him to sleep.  i use granite.

  2. well, you know, babies are different. my 9wk old daughter does the same... one day she'll sleep most of the day and night, some days she'll be awake most of the day and only sleep at night. so i wouldn't worry about that. they are still too young to establish a routine... they will have their own routine soon though and i'm sure once that's done, things will be easier for you too.

    but you say he's eating all the time... honestly 15 lbs does sound a little too much for a 9wk old... you should maybe talk to his ped. about this. try to space out the feedings a little more. at this age they should be able to eat once every 3-4 hours.

    with my daughter i find that she demands more from late afternoon until bedtime.. i'm guessing it's because at that time of the day i don't have much milk so she's claiming more often to get full.

    just have a little talk with his ped. he should be able to help out more.

    good luck and be patient, things will get better soon.

  3. youve got the right idea with the whole routine ..

    with both my children the slept well.. both were sleeping through the night by 2 weeks old.  my grandmother and mother both told me to do this

    when its getting close to bedtime. feed them a little rice cereal mixed with a little formula or breast milk.. start them off by making it a little runny and as their tummy adjusts to it. thicken it a little or add actual baby food to it.  once they finished their cereal .. give them a warm bath. (try that lavender stuff.. it seems to work) and when they finish their bath.. sit on the couch or whereever with the baby and feed it its warm bottle.. or breastfeed whichever you choose.. and just rock them to sleep.. when they are out. put them in their crib and they should be good for a few hours.. through out the day.. when you put him down for his nap.. if your able to and its not too hot or cold outside put his bassinet out on the back patio.. the fresh air helps them sleep better.. if your not comfortable with putting the baby on the patio.. then make sure his crib is near a window. and open the window so he can get some fresh air.. i dont know why but that fresh air helps them sleep better.. I try to get my kids outside at least once a day whether for a walk to to play at the park.. but by the time i get them inside and get them their lunch they are both passed out.. it also explains why when you are camping.. you get the best sleep..

    I hope i was of some help to you. good luck with your little guy

    p.s. you say he eats constantly.. the baby rice cereal may help hold his little tummy over at night and have him sleep a little while longer than he would with just breastmilk or formula in his tummy.

    GOod luck.

  4. Try a same routine every night. But you have to stick with it "religiously" as people say.

    Feed him a full meal, play with him so the food settles, give him a nice warm bath, and then either rock him, read to him, sing or dance, etc and give him loves and put him to sleep with a blanket or stuffed animal or his favorite toy. But you have to do this every night so he knows what he's suppose to do after you're finished with your routine.

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