
Need advice on Cannas, please?

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I bought a 10-12 inch potted Canna plant in the Spring. This Fall I want to dig it up for next year. It has been mulched this year, but figure it may freeze out, if I don't dig it up and store it over the winter. Should I expect to find several tubers or bulbs? Please tell me step by step how to dig, store and how to replant for next Spring. I do have a cool, not freezing, storage area for over winter. Do you have any tips that would be beneficial. I've raised them in years past, but don't recall storage care, and forgot to ask the nursery when I purchased it. I live in Ky, and most winters are usually not sub zero, but would not want to take a chance of leaving it out, even mulched, just in case. Any advice is appreciated.




  1. It is pretty straightforward. Dig up the plants before the frost gets to them. You will probably find you have a lot more than you planted. Cut off any stems and let them dry out for a few days. You can store them over the winter in a frost free place but make sure they don't dry out or get too damp. Keep them in a paper bag, or in an open container with dry peat. In the spring divide and replant. You can always try leaving a few of them out over the winter. You may get lucky and have a mild winter and they will survive.

  2. I grew them in upstate NY. Just gentley dig them up. they shouldn't be that deep that you cant use your hands to dig tem. They should have at least doubled. I would then take them and place them in a brown bag with mulch and keep them in the basement for the following spring. you can break the tubers up and replant that way. I loved them. I would give some to the neighbors for their yard as well. Good luck

  3. Go here:

    We live in West Texas with our winters getting into the 20's.  We leave our cannas in the ground.  Sometimes we cover them with lots of dead leaves.

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