
Need advice on a good protein supplement for 11 month old!?

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So my baby is a week away from 11 months old, in his first months he was in the 97th percentile of his weight and height, now at 11 months he is still that percentage on his height, BUT his weight went to a 37th percentile, the doctor ask me several questions about the way I feed him...he lets me know when he had enough food, he is very active, and he drinks formula twice/day - about 7oz each time, he is tall but he looks skinny, family get me worry every time they see him, telling me he should be eating more, the pediatricia didn't seem concern about his weight, but I am now, I was wondering maybe to give him a protein supplement here and there, I was thinking pediasure, but I don't know.

Please help.




  1. suggested daily milk intake for 11months old baby is 24-31oz a day. ur baby takes 7oz x 2times is perhaps not enough. milk should be the primary source of nutritiens for a baby for the 1st yr of life.

  2. Protein has nothing to do with weight and too much protein is bad.  Feed him foods higher in calories.

  3. If the doctor isn't worried I wouldn't worry about it.  I don't think its wise to give him a protein supplement.  Just keep doing what you're doing.  

  4. If the doctor says he fine then he probably is. If you are concerned you should try feeding him some more formula. Offer him formula before you give him any food.

  5. He is fine...all babies are different. :) Don't worry...or freak out...or feel like you're a bad mama...Family will always have something to say, believe me. If he is eating right that is just how his body naturally is. My sis is vegan and my family is constantly bugging her about their weight, but she doesn't give them dairy products or there is less fat in their diets. They are as healthy as can be and are never I have to remind her of the excellent job she is doing with them!

  6. Your little one is just more active now which is why he is dropping in the weight percentile.  If he stayed in the 97t percentile you could very well end up with an obese child!  You just need to take his cues on the feeding and be happy that you, hopefully, not will have a child that has to struggle with his weight throughout his life.

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