
Need advice on how to handle "Younger sister Syndrome"

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I am 35 years old. The youngest of 6 girls. The oldest is 44.

My second to youngest sister who is 2 1/2 years older than me has always treated me like I'm insignificant and STILL does.

We both work at the same company. We both work in the Automotive Engineering field and this is the 3rd company we've worked for together. We see each other a lot.

I love her most of the time, but a lot of the time, she treats me like I am a child. She is fine while on family time, (family functions or just us getting together) but here at work and/or around her friends, treats me quite frankly, badly.

If I am brave enough to open up in a "discussion" amongst us and co-workers or even around friends or family members, she usually finishes my sentences or interrupts me or even debunks what I say! Like I don't know what I'm talking about and she feels she has to "fix" my statements for me.

I'm really a pretty smart person, but, am gun shy talking in crowds now because of her doing this to me. I pretty much shy away from social discussions now because I've been embarrassed so many times by her in this way. She also treats me like this in regards to my personal life. She always knows a "better" way to handle things. And again, I'm treated like I don't know what I'm doing. I'm married with 2 children. She is divorced also with 2 children.

She is taller, much skinnier, very fashion forward, and witty. I used to be thin, but have since gained a lot of weight. She seems embarrassed of me to be honest. Speculation on my part...but believe it to be true. She treated her ex husband like this too and that's a big part to why he left. She feels she is above certain people. And is very controlling and unforgiving. I feel her love for people is conditional. If you are cool, in style, have money and are funny and with the modern world, you are OK. If not, forget about it!

I need advice here. I want to "air" my feelings to her, but KNOW she will just treat me again, like I don't know what I'm talking about and like I'm over-reacting. We are a very close family and I even talked to my mother about this and she agrees that my sister treats me this way. She says just to not be her sister when at work. But that's easier said than done. She sits 2 aisles away. What to do..... :(




  1. when she does that to you treat her like you would an arrogant co worker..she sounds no different. she probably is not ashamed of you. she sounds like she is jealous of you.

  2. you should copy and paste this then print it. and mail it to her.  

    or sit down and write her a letter telling her the way you feel on how she treats you.  let her know you are not going to stand for it any longer. if she continues you are going to do the same things to her as she does to you and see how much she likes it

  3. just  tell  here

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