
Need advice on my Cat?

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In the last week my Cat has gone mad to go out door, so much so that he jumps at the window even before we get a chance to open it, I am afraid he will injury himself. He’s not in heat because he is neutered. All he does when he gets out is play up in the forest and kill all around him. When we get home from work we could find a number of dead birds by the front and back door and on a number of occasions we have got rabbits. I am not going to stop him killing because it’s his nature. My question is why is he jumping at closed windows.




  1. Maybe there is something outside that he wants to see or he just likes to do it. Say is as a kind of a play

  2. he's probably jumping at the windows because he can see something of because he wants to get out......if ur concerned go and see ur vet

  3. My kitty does this all the time. She just really wants to go outside. :];...

    Answer my guy problem question?  

  4. It's probably a learned behaviour.

    He has worked out that jumping at the window gets the lazy humans off their chairs and opening the window for him.

    Cats are not stupid!

    Edit: If he is especially keen to go out it could be that there is a new cat in the territory. He needs to make extra patrols round the area to keep it defended. Watch out for cat fights.

  5. He is jumping around like a loon because there are so much more animals out there for him to hunt.

    But be fair - although it is his nature to stalk prey and hunt he doesn't need to - you feed him, so why let him waste meat and kill potentially endangered species?

    You need to get him a coller with a bell - not only will it stop him catching these gifts? But also you don't know what sort of diseases these wild animals can pass along - after all your cat does not have the immune system of a wild animal

  6. Heh. That's kind of funny.

    Like was said, he probably jumps at the closed window because he sees something outside.

    Cats are tough. It won't do him any harm.

  7. 1)STOP LETTING HIM OUT! OUTside cats have a life expectancy of 18 months because of all the perils out there: they are EIGHT TIMES MORE SUSEPTIBLE TO

    DISEASES THAN DOGS! and do you have any idea the diseases they can contract even from DEAD animals??!!!?? If he's KEPT inside killing will NOT be his


    2)He's going into the window,because,unlike people,he doesn't realize that there IS a barrier between himself &

    the outdoors,no matter how many times he slams into it!

    Just like cats don't pay attention to MIRRORS,nor re-

    cognize it's themselves in one!
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