
Need advice on talking to someone in my class?

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I just transfered back to my old high school and I'm in 11th grade now. i have a good a lot of friends but i haven't seen them for a while cause i was away. But this girl sits next to me in my english class and shes really quite and shy. She barely talks only smiles, but i would like to be friends with her and its kinda hard to talk to her because she so quite. She is fun to talk to though when she talks and nice to be around but how do i get her to talk more?




  1. wow kind of sounds like me and this guy i like in my english class and hes a junior and im a senior wow creepy...xcept i do now talk to the guy cuz my friend told him i thought he was cute....but i dont care cuz i do and i like him

    back to you

    i think you should just try to talk to her more and find her at lunch and just ask her to take a walk with you around the school its cheesy but we girls like cheesy

  2. sit with her at lunch or start talking to her in class and say stuff like hi and start a convo. she will start to get use to you so she wil;l talk to you more. then maybe start making moves hahaha

  3. Make jokes and just talk to her.  Sit by her more often. :)

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