
Need advice on teaching 5 year old to read...?

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My son started Kindergarten on 8-22-08. A list of 25 "sight words" was sent home. These are words he should be able to read, ie mom, dad, red, like etc, just by looking at them. He knows 6 out of 25.

My problem is I'm having a terrible time getting him to focus (I swear he had ADD, but has never been formally tested). I started out having him say the letters in the word, then making the sounds and then putting them together (r-e-d). He does great with recognizing the letters and making the sounds, but can't seem to put them together.

He is easily distracted and has a 2 year old, attention starved brother at home. Sometimes it's impossible to get him to focus on what he already knows, let alone something he's trying to learn. Dad works 2nd shift so he's not home until 11:00 pm, so I can't have dad watch our youngest while I'm reviewing the words with our oldest.

I've started to break them up into groups of 5, like 5 before dinner, 5 after dinner, 5 after bath, etc to help with his focusing issues. My problem is what to do with my 2 year old. His bedtime is 7:30 and my 5 year old's bedtime is 8:00. Do I push back his bedtime to 8:30? Than that blows my whole "5 at a time" plan out of the water.

I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt in that he's never done anything like this before and we just started, but that doesn't mean I'm not getting frustrated

So, my questions are after my novel (sorry BTW), how do I handle my 2 year old while also trying to teach my 5 year old the words? Anyone know if any games I can make this into to make it more fun (he learns by doing not by listening)?

I know my question is long and sparatic and probably in the wrong section, but any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated!!!




  1. First off, you need to find something to keep that baby occupied. Second, don't push to hard on the sight words because that will just make your son frustrated!! My son is in first grade and still cannot read. We are working on it. Make it fun, maybe a game, and rewards, for the words that he learns. Good luck

  2. hmmm, thats a tough one. Will your two yr. old sit for a movie and a healthy snack? dont bash me all you non tv people, lol!  Or you could try and push back bedtime a little. I had a similar problem with my 6 yr old but not with words, I had it with his numbers and simple math when they started learning literally took him the entire year to finally get it. Well, good luck and Im sorry I dont have more suggestions for you!

  3. Use the words you were given and write them on Index cards. now place them all over the house..if you have the word red, place that on something red.If you have the word that on a  ball..make a game out of it..Don't get upset , that will just make it harder for you both..Have him help you make a book using the words he is given. Learning letters is just repetition. The more he uses them the quicker he will learn..make a song out of the words using a simple theme like twinkle twinkle little star..It will get easier..Don't push back the bedtime

    , he needs all the rest he can get..If your married have your hubby watch the two year old for 30 mins to an hour to give you one on one time with your son..

  4. Try reading stories to them that include the words.  

  5. i like the idea of posting the words around the house, but rather than all over- which is still a good idea btw- how about on your kitchen cupboards, fridge, bathroom walls. etc.

    you can still have little sit down teaching/ study sessions with him, but you can also incorporate the learning thru out the day.  like as you are making breakfast or supper- pick a word and ask him to find it or point to it. ( you could also put a small picture- drawn  or cut out on it- but that will get time consuming as more lists are sure to come)

    you can get him to find a word or read his own word while in the tub or even as he passes thru the room.

    you could transfer the words to a special place/ board that is designated for the words he 'knows' after he identifies successfully  so  many times. each word could have a star sticker on it to identify that 'he knows  this  one'

    if they are on the kitchen cupboards you can read them with/to hiim each morning in the order they are-top to bottom/ left to right etc, have him 'read' with you even  if he doesnt actually say them- it will almost be like learning the words to a new song or rhyme- but with the visual as well.

    he may catch on faster if- like you say it is more fun and not stressed as a learning activityi wouldnt suggest changing bedtime routine. besides  yo do have a half hour there to also 'work' with him. and if he has a hard time paying attention you wouldnt want more than that anyways at one time.

    i know a quiet relaxed area is best but you have to do what you can do- and if that is only 5 minutes each session- equalls less stress. give him lots of help and encouragement for just trying. let him know you appreciate his effort and you understand it can be hard or frustrating and relate to him that you had to learn, and you still have times you have 'work' to do even tho you dont wanna do it.

    if he struggles with a word- tell hiim the word, skip it , go to next one and come back to it later.

    you could give him a rhyming word or hint word to help him 'read' it.

    as for yuor 2 year old- set up a routine( i know easier said than done- but they will get used to it)

    my 18 month old loves to colour with crayons and pencil crayons- and especialy loves to do so when her 3 year old sister is doing it.  that might be an idea- that such and such a time is colouring time. pull up the booster seat or hi-chair to the kitchen table with you and son- giving 2 y.o lots of space and let him/her go nuts. get a new colouring book. try something new like washable markers-something fun- and just keep encouraging that mommy and big bro are busy doing work for a bit- for your 10 or 15 min whatever. set a timer if you need to that way even 5 y.o knows that it is just short times. and yes do it 2 or 3 times a day if  needed.

    another few suggestions for 2 y.o. are playdough, safety scissors and paper, glue stick with shapes, stickers. etc. make it their 'craft time'.

    encourage more independant play thruout the day so he/ she  realizes they need to entertain himself sometimes.

    make it time for something they wouldnt  normally get to a big towel on the floor with a couple small containers of water to play with/dump/pour etc. is this a girl? how bout some play make up/dress up/ jewellery stuff. get out the pots andpans with spoons-oops maybe not- too distracting. tape a favorite 1/2 hour show. my 18 month old loves musical stuff especially...barney, wiggles, little einsteins/4 square, high five....or videos, dvds or cds.

    or maybe just a special snack- and maybe son can have after his work too.  you may need to go shopping and find that special thing that will help to occupy and it doesnt have to cost a bundle

    i wish you all the best and good luck. hope i gave you a few ideas

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