
Need advice please?

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I'm going through sort of hard time and I want advices about how to be strong enough to face all the problems and negative feelings I'm having....

sorry for asking this question in Egypt section but I trust many minds here.

any advice would be appreciated




  1. u seem like u need someone to talk me

  2. first of all i want you to realize well that nothing is conestant.

    life is a cycle of up and down and the your upcoming down will followed by up, in fact it will make you enjoy the up.

    downs is what make us enjoy ups.

    think deep, don't panic, it will pass, just be patient and don't do anything hystrical based on panic or despair.

    and last but not least, many times i wondered why bad stuff happen to me and after some years i found it was good and led me to better position, i mean due to our lmited vision we might some stuff bad while on the long run it will bring good results.

    good luck :)

  3. ya 7abibti, qu'est-ce qui te prend?

    tu sais, that you have a sister that name is Elissar :)

    never lose your hope ya 7abibti. You aren't alone, you have friends. I'll always be there sweetie :)

    N'oublie pas, tu as une soeur!

    Pardon, mais je doit aller maintenant, but I'll be later there. Maybe we can talk together in Messenger?!

  4. first trustin your self sure that every thing happen to us were written breviusly by god,,,and we must accept it as it is and always thank god may be other things more worse than that we suffer from...take things so easy do not complicate any thing you can ask help from older wise man or must knnow that we are all of us just actors in theater life ,,,god bless and help you

  5. Hmm..have you thought about backpacking and travelling the world?

  6. .

    after reading your question and the answer of Zoser , i feel i have to give advice to two of our dearest friends here .

    whenever im ill and go to the doctor , i find more serious cases , more dramatic cases of illness .

    i thank God , and follow the doctor's instructions with a will to improve and go back to work.

    God has provided us with  souls that can feed our minds and bodies with faith in tomorrow , bec we believe that God means the best for us .

    seek God in your way , by prayer , by addressing Him , by asking for His help.

    He will support you in His way.

    be patient , you will see the help coming .

    open your hearts for Him , He will help you .

    i will pray for both of you .

    please tell us when you get better , which i hope will be soon.

  7. well, I'm so sad for you and hope that you will be fine so soon and pass all the negative feelings that you have.

    I'm telling you that you must forget all what happened "I know it's hard but you must".

    And you should know that nothing in the earth deserve your sadness you must think of it and tell yourself what is make me so sad ?

    Try it like it nothing and it doesn't take all your attention then you will find that isn't so much important.

    Because "The life, who fellow it. It make him a slave to her and who didn't. It came to you like a slave.".

    And Allah tests us with the blocks that in our way so i advise you don't give your problems all your attention.

    And I wish you to be good and fresh again

    Good Luck for you

  8. Do not give up. Tell yourself you can solve the problems. Even if you fail you will have the satisfaction  of having done your best. You will NOT fail if you have confidence in yourself. You do not need our advice. You need faith in yourself.Success or failure is not in your hands, But trying is. Be heroic.

  9. Dont say oh God i have a big problem but say HEY YOU PROBLEM,i have great God

  10. Every one here can not help you , neither me, I am very sick for 2 months and almost collapsing, but I gained very good experience, first: Every thing happens to us is for a reason,I can not say it is God's punishment for a simple reason that who  we are  to stand his punishment,, I would say it is a small hint from Him to wake us up, or lets say, to balance what we had/and did... and what was expecting from us,,it is very easy to tell you to be strong by just accepting  your problems, but we as Human can easy say that , and very difficult to execute it..lets say that the biggest problem we have that we can not adapt easy  and keep trying to challenge the bad situations ,,it is funny but also sad that while that we  keep consuming our selves, and at the end, we lose more and achieve nothing,,the answer is very easy to say , but will not be accepted by you,(or me)..accept, and lose, if you can not  do anything, be strong by do not challenge,,,I am so fed up by the words negative feeling and positive feeling,, people are advising us to have positive feeling, and when they have problems they are the first who will not have that,,,we made mistakes, or others did that and that effects on us, sometimes we are just victims , I know, nothing we can do , than trying to live with that, let me give you an example, lets imagine you discover that you have a serious disease,and no cure  what can you do, than acceptance?NOTHING,,,the only thing can be done is to pray God that we can stand the burden which is given by Him for a reason,,, we with our short sight can not know why...

    Now, it is late for me, but I can say, the best solution is to be with loved ones , and the Egyptians are very wise, although I used to object them ,The strong family ties, and the strong ties generally among people,, I used to hate the non-privacy issue,, now I completely regret that, I wish I have a family to support me or loved ones,, Now I have to face all the disasters I have alone,,,but we are never alone,, There is God....and allhamdallah

  11. Praying, and believing in yourself, in your strength to overcome this problem like you most probably have done before in many situations.  Good luck.

  12. Ask Allah .  he made the universe , it  won't be hard for him to support you .

    then , for example , remember people who had some hard experience " celebrities or close people "

    try not to get so nervous , be careful , but don' t care much that you wont be able to think .

    remember the good benefits you would have , or the bad consequences that you will avoid .

    look to the shining part , the full part oe the glass , because you will never have all benefits or avoid all harms .it's like a trade .

    Finally make a weekly day , to relax and make an over view of what you have done , and to remember your self of these steps snd the other steps .

    Thanks for trust ,

  13. Think about all the good things that you have.Think about how much worse things could be; it'll make you be thankful that you're not in that position.

  14. Take a piece of paper & a pen. Write down all the things you are grateful for...all the things you have or enjoy.

    Another idea is to ask 3 friends to write down 3 positive things about you they like & to give you their response.

    I find joy in listening to children laugh. I love watching the sunrise or sunset. I enjoy smelling the honeysuckle wafting on a warm breeze.

    Can you find an amusement park & just people watch for e few? Life really is wonderful, if you know how to take time & smell the roses.

    And, remember; whatever you are facing? It will pass. You & God make an incredible team that can't lose.

  15. Hello sweetie ..

    Try not to think about your problems .. it will only get you more upset ..

    Do what you love to do (Read, Listen to music, Talk to someone you trust, Hang out with some friends ...)

    Do not allow bad thoughts to get to your mind ... you're stronger than letting them control you ..

    Best wishes ..
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