
Need advice?

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im a new kid in school and in my class there are many bullies and i have a few friends and every time any advice about the bullies




  1. oooooooooo i like this.........

    u kno wat u've jus got 2 stand up 2 dem

    show dem who is boss. dont worry it may jus wear off.

  2. You can say to the bully, "I don't like that. It's not very nice, and I'd like you to stop. You wouldn't like it if someone said that to you."

    You must then turn and walk away IMMEDIATELY, without entering into any further exchange. You must sound firm but not angry or wimpy, just matter-of-fact.

    If the bully tries it again, you can say, "I told you, I don't like that." Turn and walk away IMMEDIATELY.

    I know some students aged 13 to 14 who have tried this and it has worked. But it is really important to practise saying this without getting angry, or emotional in any way.

  3. If you are in the USA, under the federal law called No Child Left Behind, the school system is required to protect you from bullies. If you have repeated incidences of bullying and being attacked or picked on, your parents have a right to change your school and the school system is supposed to accommodate that decision to the fullest.  If you need further information as to how to do this process, please feel free to contact me.

  4. Sorry about the Bullies.

    Don't run, Don't show your weakness

    Stick with the friends you have made, and laugh a lot!

    Don't wimper, and when around the Bullies, just step back, and let them beat up one another.

    how old are you?
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