When I was 14, my parents split and divorced. When I found out my dad was cheating on my mom, I left his house and lived with my mom full time. My three younger siblings still went and go back and forth. I'm now 18 and the divorce is final. My mom hasn't been trying to see anyone which apparently works for her, though I'd rather she get out more. My dad has a serious relationship with a girlfriend who everyone loves. Even my mom likes her. She's great with us kids and probably helped my dad and I get back to a normal relationship (despite the fact I still live at my mom's).Today I went to my dad's office for gas money or possibly lunch. He was with a patient, so I went in to his office. He had a text from my sister, so I sent a funny one back. In the process though, I found a text from the girl he cheated on with my mom. Furious I sent a pissed off one back. He doesn't know I sent that and will probably find out soon since I didn't have time to delete it and the ***** will probably write back. I'm having lunch with my dad tomorrow and by the time that happens, he'll know I sent her that. I need to advice on a few things. At this point I don't really care about my dad, but more the people he affects. 1. Should I tell his Girlfriend? 2. He'll probably say that his ***** friend and he are just friends... is that possible given the situation? 3. He's in control of the college fund that pays for my college soon, should I even mention to his girlfriend anything?