
Need advise!!!!!!!!!!!?????? FAST?

by  |  earlier

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okay so heres the thing. my boyfriend and i have been going out for about a year now. and our schools welcome back dance is coming up.... we've been together for soo long but have never kissed... he some times ttries. but i back away as if i don't want to. but i do. inever kissed any one before, and i think thats my problem. i'm just scared... so at the dance when our favorite song comes on and we actuly do slow dance together i want to kisshim.. does any one have any advice on how to make the right move and how to do it... please help??/




  1. wait, you have been going out a year and have never

  2. I find these questions really funny.  Kisses are something that just happen when the moment is right.  There's no "right" or "wrong" way to kiss, and if he likes you enough, it shouldn't matter to him.  It will feel right no matter what you do.  He'll just kind of look at you and you'll look at him and it will happen.  Good luck darling, I wish you all the best.

  3. Aww, that sounded so much like me!  I know what you mean about wanting to kiss him but being too afraid to let it happen, especially when you can tell its coming, lol.  You have to really think about what you want.  The longer you hold out the more it may confuse him about your feelings for him.

    When you're at the dance, just look him in the eyes and find a deep connection.  Imagine you are the only two people on the dance floor and give him a sincere smile.  Don't lose eye contact.  Keep your face close to his.  He should get the hint and go for it.  If not, there's nothing really to lose... he's your boyfriend and he's tried kissing you before so just go for it yourself.  He's going to like it no matter what.

    Bottom line: if you know what you want, don't stop it from happening.  Having a first kiss is a "nerve wracking" thing but you'll love it once you've gotten past that point, and you don't have to be experienced/a good kisser for a first kiss to happen.  Come to think of it... the first kiss is usually a short, sweet, and awkward kiss.  Trust me, you'll get better as time goes on. ;)  Good luck at the dance.. my fingers are crossed!

  4. just wait for the right time, and it will fall into place

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