
Need an Answer fast!!!?

by Guest34276  |  earlier

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yesterday i was home alone(i thought) and i was completely naked and i started to whack it. well i went into my living room to lay on the couch and watch some p**n on the tv. turns out my mom was in the kitchen. she caught me and feinted from the suprise. im so embarressed. what should i do?




  1. Pretend it didn't happen.

  2. Ewe!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. you're so funny.. a sorry is enough

  4. Ummmm Explain or something Cant help you here to much buddy..

    Good Luck :)  

  5. Apologize, you Dufus!

  6. laugh it off, it sucks that she caught you but that just happens sometimes

  7. Hopefully your relationship with your mom is good enough that you can appologize and she'll understand.  She probably feels awkward because you're her son and it isn't natural for her to think of you that way, but she probably understands better than you think that you're a young man who is exploring and did it foolishly in the living room.  

  8. tell mom,purbity has arisen and not to will stop before you go blind

  9. That really sucks

  10. I guess u have to apologize from her , and quit doin' stuff like that again , other wise make sure that ur COMPLETELY home alone..  

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