my ex gf had been txting me almost a half year after we were together. anytime she messages me it's about something awful goin on, i felt it was to get sympothy from me. so finally i told her a few days ago if she wanted to be friends with me to act like it and not only contact me when horrible c**p is going on.i added that if she wanted to talk with me and be friends she should use the phone and call rather than randomly txting me.,do that or just lose my number. Now after all of this she gave me a guilt trip bout me not being a real friend etc here I am confused if I did the right thing and is there anything I should do or just leave it be. This girl was the one that ended the relationship so i honestly am conflicted with even the messaging now. one of the bad things going on with her is that her mom has cancer. when she told me that in a txt i called her and said was sorry to hear that, so i'm not a complete a***e.But even before she let me know that I felt she was just using me to get sympothy for any problem in her life. I have no clue what to think or how to proceed. Any advice would be great on this. Maybe someone could tell me how they would handle this or if they had a similiar experience with an ex that would help a lot.