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Will I find a good job soon? I've been trying so hard to find one, but nothing yet. I'm a capricorn.. bday is 1-17-86..




  1. 2008 Horoscope Capricorn: Career, Love

    check out cafe astrology and you will find it very helpful and you can read so much from cafe astrology and best of all it;s free! my fave astrology site!!!

    here is a copy and paste for the month of july

    you can read more when you go to the site

    Mercury continues to transit your work and health sector until the 10. Your approach to work during this cycle is pleasant, happy, and logical for the most part, unless you allow worry or scattered energy to enter the picture. You might also enjoy analyzing different health or nutrition programs. You are inclined to want to learn new work skills, or to improve your skills and output in terms of work. There is likely to be more activity, movement, contact, and communications with co-workers now. You tend to take more interest in organizing your working environment--and this is an excellent time to do so, as you are especially objective and intelligent when it comes to getting a handle on your daily affairs and all of the "little things" that contribute to a feeling of efficiency and competency. Watch, however, for tension or idle chit-chat interfering with your work output this month.

    July 2 New Moon in Cancer in your solar seventh house affects you until the next New Moon on August 1st. Negotiations and diplomacy are highlighted during this period, as it is a favorable time to begin new relationships or to re-define existing ones. Issues of sharing and partnership come to the fore. Increased awareness of the need for someone significant to lean on or to rely on is often associated with this position. Working on, or resolving to work on, relationships that are mutually supportive is a good idea at this time. If you find yourself sensitive to the feeling of lacking support from partners, this may be a good time to ask yourself how companionable you are, and work on developing yourself in this area of life. You might just find that this is a period when you are at your most gracious. It is also a good time to make contacts and to make something public.

    July 2-3 Your partnerships are highlighted right now, and it's time to compromise. Insecurities in your partnerships are brought to light now, and the best way to handle this is to understand that you need others instead of competing for the floor. Some people find this time of the lunar month an energy sapper, as they feel ignored or unnoticed. Trying to go it alone won't work just now. The spotlight is on other people for the time being, and it's best to let them shine. Concentrate on truly listening to those close to you, and on playing a supportive role. Perhaps not a time to be make a presentation or to come on strong to the world. You are feeling reflective rather than expressive.

    July 6 Mercury trines Neptune and Venus trines Uranus. Social, romantic, intellectual, and financial opportunities arise now. For you, finances are strong, and career matters run smoothly. A romantic surprise may be in store.

    July 9-10 Monthly career and reputation peak. Your credibility is important at this time of the lunar month, and efforts at self-promotion might be made now. This is the time when you're noticed for what you've done or haven't done. Do your best to be in top form, make career adjustments if needed, and don't be afraid to show others exactly what you're made of. You're at your best when you are showing the world your practical, competent, and responsible side.

    July 16-17 Your Personal New Moon. A new personal cycle begins for you, and you feel fresh and re-energized. It's all about you now, so it's time to put your best foot forward. A blast of personal energy comes your way, and showing your leadership skills works for you now. You are at your most convincing, as others are accepting you at face value. Some people find that the Moon in their sign brings with it a restless, discontented, and emotional state, and that there is more on their plate than they expected or wanted. If this is the case for you, remember that these feelings are there because you need to make a change, however big or small. Use it to stimulate activity and positive change.

    July 18 A Full Moon occurs today in late Capricorn in your solar first house. "Hey, what about me?" is the feeling of a Full Moon in the first house. You're looking for a bit of attention right now as you feel that life has been too "other-oriented" recently. Try to avoid infantile outbursts. Instead, work on your self-assertiveness. You do count, and there are ways to assert your own needs without stepping on others' toes. Finding a balance between autonomy and dependence is what this Full Moon is about for you. Your emotions are on your sleeve right now. It is a good time to put your needs first, but doing so with respect for others will take you further. Whether you can succeed as a leader is "tested" right now.

    July 18-19 Monthly money and income peak. You're looking at the world in terms of value and worth now, and what you have (or don't have) is on your mind. Money issues pop up now—the discovery of a way to increase your income, an unexpected gift or reward, or a brief and tiny financial crisis that motivates you to find new ways to make money are possible.

    July 25-26 Romance and pleasure are highlights right now with the Moon in your solar fifth. The Moon is in your element, and so are you! The flowing, expressive, and spontaneous energy surrounding you attracts like-minded (and hearted) people. Be sure to take time to enjoy yourself, preferably around others! Keywords: romance, creativity, spontaneity, pleasure, self-expression.

    July 29-30 Your partnerships are highlighted right now, and it's time to compromise. Insecurities in your partnerships are brought to light now, and the best way to handle this is to understand that you need others instead of competing for the floor. Some people find this time of the lunar month an energy sapper, as they feel ignored or unnoticed. Trying to go it alone won't work just now. The spotlight is on other people for the time being, and it's best to let them shine. Concentrate on truly listening to those close to you, and on playing a supportive role. Perhaps not a time to be make a presentation or to come on strong to the world. You are feeling reflective rather than expressive.

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