
Need an answer asap please help this is really serious?

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My fiance went to court last month for not having his car fully registered and not having insurance. That was like early this year when he got the ticket, but like a month after getting that ticket he fully registered the car and bought insurance for his car. When he went to court he brought proof and showed the judge. The judge gave him community service. On the paper it says that he has a week after being sentenced he has to enroll into community service and pay the fee they ask for. Well he hasn't did either enroll nor pay. Would he get in trouble for not enrolling like he should? Would he be able to enroll now eventhough its been like a month since he been sentenced? If they put him in jail. How long would he be in there for?




  1. Can you say warrant for arrest?

  2. I'm not sure you want to be sticking with this guy.  He hardly seems that responsible.

    As far as all that, I don't know.  But I do know if he doesn't do it all, its only going to be worse.  I suggest he go and do it already and hope for the best; because if he doesn't do it he'll probably get the worst.

  3. Yes he will get in trouble if he violated the terms the judge set out and the judge isn't likely to go easy on him again. Your boyfriend can expect hefty fines at this point.

  4. He is an idiot and not worth your time. if this is an example of how he manges his affairs when things are serious he could go to prison, how the heck can youtrust him in the long term  on anything. Dump him sweethheart and do yourself a favour

  5. i couriered London for 15 years and had hundreds of driving fines and court appearances.

    1 month is not so bad if he immediatelly enroll's and says he was very ill and is extreemly sorry . Dont ignore it if you cannot pay , enrole and tell them you have financial problems and it will be sorted out , they will not send him to prison over this but you run the danger of turning it into an imprisonable crime if left ignored.

    remember poverty is not a crime ;)

  6. He will have a bench warrant issued for his arrest.  Because he was caught in control of the vehicle, his license may be revoked until this matter is settled.

    My advice would be to start making payments immediately and enroll in the community service program.  The county is really only concerned with getting their money.

    If captured without fulfilling his obligations, he will probably just spend the night in jail and go back before a judge on a later date.  And not to sound insincere, this is actually very minor.  Neither your or he should be overly concerned.

    So start making payments and enroll is my advice.  Also check with your DMV about his license status.

  7. Make use of google to collect some related links or you could try to use answer engines like yahoo answer or to get some related answers.nonetheless,If you like some direct resource,here is a good resource from my own experience.

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