
Need an idea for an economics presentation?

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We're in a group of 3 and we need something creative/funny to do for our presentation on the stock market and its impact on the economy. It doesnt have to be anything big, just so that we're not standing there reading off a powerpoint.





  1. You could do something about how fickle some investors are...

    One person can be the Fed and say something vague and then another can be an investor.

    Fed:  "Based on our current analysis of the credit crisis we must increase loaning and open up a new Fed window without stigma"

    Investor:  "Banks failing.. that's bad.. take money out"

    Fed:  "It seems as though we might cut the interest rate"

    Investor:  "Hooray! buy buy buy!"

    Something like that maybe?

  2. Have plenty of charts.  Shape and color can make drab figures come to life.

    Try co-relating the Dow Jones Industrial average with topics that are completely unrelated to it.  For example the fashionable length of a woman's skirt, whether the American League or National League wins the All Star Game, etc.

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