
Need an info about the living standards in CANADA..?

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Hi All,I just want to ask whether a salary of $8000-$9000 per month good enough to make a decent living in Canada(i.e around Toronto or Ontario)???Is this a good salary to start your carrer in Canada??




  1. you are earning good money, in canada you can earn even higher depending on where you are working, what you are doing and what is your position. i know people who make $10/hour to $350,000 a year.

  2. Absolutely - in fact - if you paid me just $2k of that - I could be your personal assistant in Canada.

  3. I live in Toronto. On 8,000-9,000 per month you could live like a king.

  4. You wrote: "...(i.e around Toronto or Ontario)..." Toronto is in Ontario.

  5. Without knowing what your occupation is, I cannot tell you if you are getting paid equally for the work you are doing.

    The average Salary is $60000 according to Revenue Canada, however, I live in Alberta and most people here make $100,000/year or more.

    Again, depending on what job you are doing it's hard to compare.

  6. YES! I make 1k a month working at Mc Donalds and i survive. Btw: I'll gladly be your personal assistant for 2k a month!!!


    I couldnt imagine my pay increasing 9x. Crazy.

  7. My dad makes around that much in Vancouver (which = double living expenses of Toronto). For an inexperienced professional, that kind of money is too good to be true.

  8. c**p.

    You could live anywhere you want with that salary x_x

  9. I'm  not sure  if you just ask this because you want people  wonder what you will do for that money. In Canada  people make good life with little money , because  money  is not an essential  for a good life!

  10. That's an incredible amount of money to make per month in any city in Canada.

    If someone has promised you a job that you will make this much money, I would investigate accordingly.  If something sounds too go to be true, it usually is.

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