
Need an opening for chess?

by  |  earlier

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dont have one. perfer something more defensive then offensive. a website would be nice. thanks




  1. For white i think you'd find d4 to be your cup of tea. And you should look into all the variations that can arrise from that such as queens gambit and such, which is usually what will be played.

    for black i think you would like the Caro-kann defense, and the french defense against e4, and for d4 openings you would probably want something like the queens gambit declined. there are several variations of these. And as far as a website goes.

    You can go to the dropdown list of Openings used. And the dropdown list of Grandmasters, and watch all their games, and their games are broken down into the openings they used.

    Since you like something 'defensive' i'd suggest looking at Karpov's games.

  2. Again Mr. What, the answer above mine, knows his c**p.

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