
Need and opion.?

by Guest58012  |  earlier

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should i change my look and my persionalty for this guy that i like? help!?




  1. Ew, no. Any guy who wants you to change how you look, and how you are, isn't worth being with at all. Only do what makes you comfortable. It's not worth going through the trouble to be some one you're not, just to get a guy to like you. There are plenty of nice guys out there who will like you for who you are.

  2. if you have to change yourself to make someone like you, then he definitely isn't worth your time! he should REALLY like you for you and what you do.

  3. That would be a stupid idea.  Either they like who you are, or they don't.

  4. no if he doesnt like you for who you are then dont waste your time

  5. um, no.  why would you even want to?

  6. in middle school, i always see girls changing who they are just for a guy. just be yourself and if he doesnt like you he's not worth it.
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