Ok here is my current situation, got out of a 3 year relationship just got through paying off 25000 of my ex's tuition debt i inquired, moved back in with parents, make 500 one week after taxes, make 700 another week after taxes. i work 32 hours one week and 48 the other. The only bill i have is my truck which is 543 a month. I met this girl and we are dating and she is attending Winthrop University. I am 23 and will be 24 in November. I want to get a bachelors degree in electrical engineering which has always been a passion and goal for me so should i stay living at home and attend a local tech school to get some of my basic classes in and save my money for tuition at University of South Carolina? Or should i move out? I feel childish living at home but it will save me 800-1000 a month. Is it a bad idea to go back and accomplish a bachelors degree? Also since it's been a while what requirements are there to get accepted to a university? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.