
Need answer today please! RE: Law Guardian visit at my home?

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I am in a divorce and cutody battle in court. I live with my parents and my 9 month old baby. The baby has a Law Guardian appointed by the court. The law Guardian is coming to our home today so she can see the baby. Is it better to have my parents here when the Law Guardian comes over or is it better for me to be alone with the baby when she is here? I'm not sure what would be best?




  1. I would do whichever made me more comfortable.

    3 people sharing the responsibility of a 9 months old is a good thing.... for her/him to see the relationship between you and your folks and the baby and your folks is fine....

  2. I've been there done that. There isn't much more that can be said other than don't let your guard down. These people can be very helpful or very dangerous. They will be in your life for a while. It's not that dissimilar to the KGB of the old U.S.S.R. Their part of the socialist structuring of liberalism. I wish you luck.

  3. I think it all depends.  Sounds like i need more information to answer.  If you feel more comfortable with your parents there then I would do that.  try this link

    it might help you decide and give you more information about it all.

  4. They should be there.  The Guardian is there to see how the child's living environment is now.  But you need to let her know that you are the parent and they are here to protect and love the child.  My husband and I went through the something.  Our lawyer told us just to show the Guardian what is the normal day that goes on in the house.  Just make the visit a normal day.  That way the GAL (guardian at lidum) can see that there is stucture in the house.  

  5. You know the particulars of your divorce better than anyone else. It just depends on what message you are trying to get across.. One thing for sure do not start a conversation about your soon to be ex with her. Trash talking your ex in front of the child even if it is a baby is highly frowned upon by the courts. If I was you I would want the law guardian to meet them as they are yours and the child's support base. Just do not engage them in conversation about your ex. Leave that for the court room. Be calm a sure of yourself and have a plan for you and your child..I don't know what allegations he has made against you but be real careful. And good luck in you future.

  6. It doesn’t matter what you do cuz she’ll most likely be back again either way. So if you have your parents there, she’ll just come back again when they aren’t there and vice versa. Her intentions are to make sure the baby is properly cared for and since technically all people involved are biased from being currently involved, her job is to decide what’s best without being biased.

    Just focus on being you and doing what you do every day. Don’t try to be someone you aren’t because I’m pretty sure she’ll take note of that. Don’t try to make yourself sound amazing and don’t try to overdo it, just be the Mommy you are each and every day and let her just do as she has to do.

    I know it’s easier said then done, but don’t stress too much about it.  

  7. The legal guardian wants to see if the house is safe for the baby and is being raised in a caring house hold.  If you want them there for moral support there is no reason not to.  Remember though if they start bragging about what a great mom you are, u know over doing it that is bad, if they start bragging that when you are not there they will watch the baby that is bad because then it makes it sound like you go out all the time

    I would not have them there in case they slip and say something wrong.

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