
Need baby shower ideas for a Halloween themed baby shower?

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I am having my baby shower at the end of Oct maybe first weekend in Nov. I am kinda a different person so I am making it a Halloween theme. I have some skull and halloween things planned with also some traditional baby boy decorations. I am a little stummped on games. I would like to have traditional games but have them somehow halloween theme. My invitations are a skull and crossbones (kinda pirate looking) but with a cute little blue neck tie and a "Its a boy" sticker on it. So I guess I am looking for some ideas on decoration. And also games... I want it to be dark and punk/goth lol but at the same time baby boy ish... and like just different lol?

so help please !




  1. This game will be suited for your baby shower...

  2. They have great baby shower ideas at I've used them and their ideas are great!

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