
Need checklist to do garage sale?

by  |  earlier

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I see the hard part is sorting and staging.




  1. Price all of your items

    List the sale in your local newspaper and hang signs/flyers around your neighborhood  (make sure to put the time, date, and address of the sale)

    Get lots of tables together to put your stuff on

    Get out there and start setting stuff out plenty of time before your sale starts so its all ready at the specified time

    Make sure you have a lot  of change on hand if anyone comes and needs you to make change.  I find it easiest to price everything in 25 cent increments so I dont have to have nickles, dimes, and pennies.

    Its a good idea to have some plastic bags too (for the people that buy a lot of stuff)

    Other than that just wait for the people to come and anything you dont want after the sale is over you could bring to your local thrift shop

  2. Make sure you have change....and plenty of it - dollar bills too.  Please make sure you mark your stuff.  I hate when I go to a yard sale and have to ask.  I realize you can bargin with a person but its best to know what they are trying to get for money.  Tables....prices, change.  Also have your stuff neat and clean.  Nobody wants to look through a box of dirty things.

    List in newspaper and on Craigs List.  Have fun.

    And people go early!  If your yard sale starts at 8 make sure and be set up by 7:30.  The early birds like to spend!!

  3. Get some different colored stickers(I use the small circular ones). Make a sign up that reads: All items with yellow sticker are 25 cents. Items with blue sticker are 50 cents. Red sticker is a dollar. and so on. In the case of multiple family yard sales I work it little different. All of sue's stuff will be marked in blue dots with price written on the dot. All of my stuff will have a red dot with price marked on it.Their is lots of ways to do it. I never keep a list of anything but you may want to list everything you sell and for what price. You never know when the tax guy will come by and want an estimate of your earnings and if you don't have one he will do the estimate and charge accordingly. They do it at the flea market that way. The way these guys have been lately it would not surprise me if the inspectors started making house calls.

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