
Need clarifying with term insurance

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My mom's term insurance says 80 years on top of the form. Does that mean the term insurance is valid for 80 yrs or the age of my mom?

If it's her age, will the term insurance then be invalid and useless or can she upgrade or continue on, incase she lives past 80 yrs old?





  1. Since I do not have the policy in front of me, I can only speculate.  What it probably means is the policy will be good until she stops paying for it or age 80, which ever is first.

    There are term policies out there that will remain affordable and renew until age 100.  Some will renew without asking medical questions.

  2. Many places will not insure someone over the age of 80 on a term insurance policy. Depending on how old your mum is now, and whether or not the policy is renewable and convertable, you might consider changing to a UL or Whole Life policy. I would check with the agent and see what her options are.  

  3. These are questions that your mom needs to ask her agent.

    Or you can ask the agent.

    I've never heard of 80 year term insurance.  I'm suspecting that the 80 could mean the agent number, or who knows what.  Call the agent.

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