Somehow I got my computer to stay on for more then a few minutes to ask this question. But I recently opened an e-mail with an attachment (I know.. I shouldn't have) and shortly afer I got alerts from my mcafee saying I have a "buffer overload" whatever that is. I got quite a few alerts. Everythign on my computer was a lot slower then normal, even the virus scan I performed to try to detect what I just opened.
After all THIS my the virus scan eventually crashed along with firefox and a few other things I had open. There was a message saying my computer would shut down in 50 seconds..?? and then it did. After I rebooted, it did that again, and again and again o.O
Until now I somehow manged to stop it from shutting down... but I don't know what to do.
Also I've performed a couple virus scans, each time i seems to get stuck on the same thing....