
Need different THEME ideas for afterschool program!?

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I have a lot of the usual themes, the seasons, holidays, etc., but I need some really different ones, also if you have any links that have lists of themes that would be SO helpful, THANKS!

Grades K - 5




  1. I work in an elementary school and our after school programs consist of:  Chess Club, Newspaper Club, Garden Club, Circus Arts, Scouts (via the local Akela), Folklorico Dancing.

    I would really like to know what particular program you are running in order to suggest some appropriate themes.  I know our kids enjoyed putting on a little High School Musical performance at the end of the year.

    Another thing we like to do, is find something topical that we can tie into our education curriculum.  An example of this was when our 3rd/4th Grades were working on Native American history.  We had them put together a program showing what they learned.  It included native dancing, posters and music.  You could find a school wide lesson and incorporate that theme into your classes.

    Please feel free to give me more info if you think I may be of any further assistance to you and best wishes.

  2. Try Mailbox Magazine.  Lots of ideas there.  (I couldn't find the normal website.  Looks like someone's sitting on it.)  However, you can usually get all the copies you need at your school.

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