
Need doctors advice please! Medical professionals please!?

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Before I take a trip to the doctor, please tell me what do you think may be the problem.(I feel sore on my entire upper body, ( arms, shoulders, neck, and head. I feel weak and very hot. I have taken tylenol and motrin and nothing seems to help.I feel like I have overworked my entire upper body, but I dont do anything strenouous. Any answers are welcomed.




  1. It could be a number of things depending on age, height and weight.

  2. The thing that pops into my head is mono, and even if you've already had it you can get it again but it usually isn't as bad as the first time. If you start to notice you're extrememly tired and very sore and swollen glands in your neck and behind ears then it's probably mono.

    But i'm assuming you are going to a dr, because even if there was a dr answering your question it would be impossible to know for sure without doing tests.

  3. from the symptoms you've described, it might be derived from your neck.

    this may be result of too much reading in one position without any shifting positions.

    such a non shifting position can be said as a strenuous condition (not a necessarily working's stresses).

  4. Your Dr will do loads of tests (like mine did) and then nothing. My recommendation after 2 years of suffering is drink Tonic water (no more than 16oz a dy or you will get ringing in the ears) and try to figure out what is stressing you. It took me 6 years but now that I have figured it out. BTW my MD still has no clue as to "why I was in pain" as far as the MD was concerned it was all mental, but the tonic water relaxes the muscles and increases blood flow so i think maybe the MD was incorrect.

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