
Need expert on Double Jeopardy / Reckless Imprudence / Consolidation / Due Process problem?

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I need to have a discussion with an expert on the topic, i have a question that has so many holes in them which i can't seem to answer


Task: Advocate the particular legal stance given, complete with all expository arguments and supported by law.

A traffic incident arising from the recklessness of the bus driver resulted to the death of the driver of another vehicle as well as to the serious damage to said vehicle. Preliminary investigation was conducted against the bus driver on the damage to property. No notice was received by the driver regarding the preliminary investigation on the other case, but when the bus driver was arrested, he learned that he has 2 pending reckless cases in 2 different courts. Prior to the arraignment, the Public Prosecutor moved for the consolidation of the 2 cases which was granted.

Thrust of Legal Advocacy: Protect the accused-bus driver's right against double jeopardy.


My contact messengers:


My YM: kyleanthonylao

My AIM: Ikaybchorde

Thanks, it will be much appreciated. I've been reading cases for about 5 days now but every time i come to a conclusion i seem to come across a rebuttal to my arguments.

I am aware of the fact that some of the facts seem incomplete which is why i would like to have a discussion. I prefer to talk using IM to have it a faster exchange of information.

Thank you.




  1. This case has absolutely nothing to do with double jeopardy. Double jeopardy refers to protection from being tried for the same crime twice, not being tried for two crimes at once. It's part of the fifth amendment:

    "...nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb..."

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