
Need fast food job tips?

by Guest65178  |  earlier

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Alright so im planning on working at Chic-Fil A.

And I need some advice on how things work.

My questions are,

What do I need to remember?

What do I need to learn? Ive never used a cash register or anything.

I need some advice and tips on working with Fast Food so I dont wind up s******g up or getting fired. Ive never had a job and im very new to this. Im 15 and I live walking distance from where I want to work.




  1. Congratulations on the for tips, learn the menu and what is included on the sandwiches and what comes with meals.  Basic, easy.  Next, you will be trained on register  and when you tell customer total, they give you money, you enter how much money and the computer talls you how much money to give back to customer.  Just be sure you count it correctly.......

    Don't worry, they train you, if you are unsure ask. Take notes during orietation and training.  Ask questions. Relax and enjoy your job. Be polite to customers and co-workers. Smile be friendly and polite.

  2. be nice to customers cause the job is easy

  3. that job is too easy, you got nothing to worry about. All you have to really know how to do is count change (the coin part) and dont over or under pay someones change. take the order usually a pushbutton thing nowadays and give them what comes up on the recipt. trust me it is easyier than cleaning your room.....

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