
Need for green ideas???

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im trying to make my school more 'green' efficient. *im not the best speller so if i spelled tht wrong....tough. anyway, what should we do??? ive tried to plant trees,but we did tht last year. flowers? posters? opening windows to save energy? anything??? im desperate!!! we meed ideas soon





  2. Recycle paper, don't waste paper

    Leave the lights off in a class if lighting isn't necessary.

    Start an Earth Club.

    Clean up around the school.

  3. look up companies and organizations that supply recycled paper and other products, use recycled paper in your schools printers. If you dont already recyle - do, start seperating metals and glass instead of just paper and plastics. Maybe your school can start its own compost heap for the plants on campus, and start a Capus garden for the Cafeteria. Maybe a community plot for everyone to help out with in your town. Start doing enviornment friendly service projects and field trips. get energy saver appliances donated by green organizations or for really cheap. research all of this very well, create a proposal and give it to your principal, school board and Super intendant.

  4. Reuse your gym towels for a week.  or change to recycled paper for the school news paper. Get the teachers to car pool for the rest of the year.

  5. How about recycling newspaper, computer paper etc...?  Or recycling cans/bottles from the cafeteria?  Call your recycle center and make posters of what's recyclable and what's NOT.. Have a used book sale... Plant MORE trees... Have a lake, beach or park clean-up.... Have a trash--to treasure day where someone brings in something they don't want to trade with other students.. Or make jewlery out of discarded items like wire, computer parts..magnets... old toys etc.. Have an "art show" showcasing things that normally get thrown away.. Auction off goods and use the money for something fun for the class... Have recycling drive-  For a week- have everyone bring their own reuseable bottles to drink from instead of pop/soda cans or plastic bottles..

    Good luck

  6. em...

    you could get solar panels or a small windmill?

    More plants INSIDE would help aswell

    Try and have a nature bit of your school grounds you know plant some tall trees and put bird houses in them why not have a vegetable patch!

  7. You can kill two birds with one idea: My Best Recycling Idea

    Besides recycling the plastic containers, you can improve your work or home environments by bringing live potted plants indoors.

    Major items needed:

    One empty plastic gallon container.   Tree Top Apple Juice is preferred, or equal in shape.

    One empty plastic ½ gallon container.  Langers All Pomergranate Juice is preferred or equal.

    Directions:  Lay the plastic gallon container on its side so the front label is facing up.  Place the empty plastic half gallon container on the label and with a sharpie pen outline the bottom on the Tree Top label and with a sharp knife carefully cut the outline.  Insert the half gallon into the hole until it rest on the back label of the gallon container.  Then mark and cut approximately one inch above the cut on the ½ gallon  to complete your planter container.  Remove and drill several ¼ inch holes on the bottom of the ½ gallon cut container for drainage.

    Fill the cut ½ gallon planter with one inch of gravel before putting in good potting mix soil and live growing plant.  If you make two or more you can pour the water back and forth and not waste the water with the nutrients.

    Go to NASA’s Clean Air Plant Study for the top ten plants that cleans the indoor air better than the rest.

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