
Need fundraising idea for relay for life?

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can anyone help me. i need some ideas of things i can sell to raise money for the relay for life. something i can buy in bulk cheap and sell at a higher price




  1. make homemade cook books. we did this to raise money for our guy's homecoming. or even a bake sale. or this time of year possibly a car wash. hope this helps!

  2. Rubber bracelets like these ones are really cheap and cool...

    Good Luck!!

  3. My school's team sold paper feet and made a contest out of it, to see which class would buy the most, and names of the the kids who bought them went on them before we taped them to the wall. So... maybe sell something paper-ish? You could promote it as... you'll walk such-and-such distance for each one sold or something...

  4. There are several different things that you can do in order to raise money for Relay for Life. My sister and her friends from work have raised a large amount of money to help this cause.

    One of the fundraisers that they first started with was selling Candied Jalapenos. They sell this yearly and even have local businesses in town selling them also. They also do the typical bake sales at work and sell chances for things such as gift baskets that workers bring or make themselves.

    Some other ideas:

    1) Bowl-a-thon: Some student teams have been holding bowl-a-thons, where they get pledges per pin they knock down.

    2) Breakfast With: Put together a breakfast with Santa or the Easter bunny or other favorite kids’ character. Work with a local restaurant or your team can do it themselves at a hall or club. Have someone in costume and sell tickets, also have pictures taken. You could also use this as breakfast with the mayor or other high profile person.

    3) Car Washes: This is another good idea for students as well as adults. Especially in the spring when everyone wants the mud off of their cars. Try saying “donations accepted” instead of charging a set price (people tend to give more).

    If you want things you can sell, check these websites out:

  5. Rummage sales can be good. Go through your closets for stuff you aren't using any more. Ask friends, family and neighbors to do likewise.

    If you prefer selling new stuff, I put "fundraiser goods" in Google and got 330,000 results. You don't say where you are, so I just cut and pasted a few at random:

    Good luck and thank you for doing your part.

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