
Need girl help please. My girlfriend wants to break up?

by  |  earlier

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Alright, this girl that I've been dating for about a year says she wants to break up with me for not being "committed enough." She told me that she loved me and when I didn't reciprocate her feelings she went ballistic.

I guess it wouldn't really bother me a lot if we broke up, but I'd like to continue to have s*x with her. Is there a way I can gently bring this up without her throwing another tantrum? Please help me out with this.




  1. I'm sorry to say this. but you are a jerk. & I really hope that girl breaks up with you for good.

  2. You know dude its because of @ss-holes like you that women dont trust men anymore in relationships thanks alot for supporting our male generation you scum of the earth.

    All you are doing is making us look really bad there are guys out there like myself, who want to have a relationship with a woman who will love and honor them and not worship what they have inbetween there legs.

    Thanks again dude you're just making it hard on all of us. D**k-head.

  3. wow ur an ***

    u dont care about her

    u just care about having fckn s*x

    get a life

    ur not worth anyone keeping :P

  4. This is exactly what she was talking about. She thinks that you just want her for the s*x, and don't care about her at all.

    Seriously. If you're just using a girl for the s*x, then she'll end it with you eventually. Breaking up with you is something that she needs to do, and unless you really do love her back (and no, I don't mean the s*x, you IDIOT.), then just let her do what she needs to do. From the sound of it, she seems like a nice girl who deserves someone who really loves her.

  5. Honestly, there probably isn't a way to do that and get her to agree. You see, for girls, s*x translates into a relationship. For guys, s*x is just s*x.

  6. Obviously no, if she loves you....then you can't say...well let's still have s*x. If you lost her you lost her. Nobody likes losing whether it's PS3 Madden '09 or a g/f (love her or not). Losing anything stinks...move on until you find a girl or more girls that please you. Honestly, I say when you go back to the dating as many as possible! This way you aren't waiting for them to call but figuring out which girl you really like...when a girl becomes your have no life! Move on!

  7. You all need to break up. If it is s*x you want, then it would be better for her to move on with her own life.  She told you that she loved you, and you just basically thought big deal.  Avoid her and let her go her own way.  You need to grow up, find someone who wants what you do with no commitment, some wild girl for fun.  

  8.    That's kinda harsh. I hope she breaks up with you if that's the only reason you want to stay with her. I definetly think that you should just go find some girl that only date's for s*x because if the only reason you're in a relationship is for the s*x then it's going to end badly. I wouldn't mention that your only dating her because of that reason otherwise she'd freak badly. If you're not commited enough to the relationship let her move on because it's holding both of you back. Just break up with her face to face and somewhere private so that both of you won't get embrassed when she freaks.  

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