
Need good come backs to people who say STUPID things about your child. Any thoughts?

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Okay my son is 15 months. He is a big boy. I know that. I carry him around. Yes he walks, but I do lift him. It has NOT escaped my attention that he is a larger child. But people INSIST on saying STUPID things about his weight.

Now I am not a 'mean' person. But I am SO sick of 'what a big boy you are' and WOW he is HUGE. And all the other senseless comments that we hear LITERALLY every time we are out. It is to the point of me wanting to keep him home so people shut up. Somehow they feel it is okay, or even manditory to say something about his size.

No he doesn't know what people are saying. But I do. And when you have a child and someone won't stop picking on them, it hurts YOU. Its almost like they are talking about you. My heart breaks for him.

If he was 4 and was overweight I would do something more active about it. But he isn't. He is still a baby and he is walking and moving more so he will outgrow it. He eats healthy and the doctor has said he is fine. He is in the top 90% of his age but not by any means grossly overweight. My oldest was the same way and now he is thin as a rail.

So I need good 'decent' comebacks to people that run their mouths. I don't wanna be a wench to anyone. But something snappy but subtle would be great. Please note I am not asking for diet suggestions or comments about his size. It is people like you that I really just want to shut up. I want people to notice all the other wonderful things about him and realize that saying he is fat is flat out RUDE and unappreciated. If he was unhealthy the doctor would have already made adjustments. So please spare me anything but come backs that will be helpful. Thanks!




  1. You say "well thanks.  I'm still learning the errors I made while feeding him".

    this is a problem:

    "I had to finally add cereal to my sons bottle because he just wasn't getting satisfied. It is not a crime for them to be full and he is growing. Just give him a bottle and let HIM tell YOU when he is hungry. I would also try to keep regular. So give him say 5 ounces every 3 hours and see if that keeps him more satisfied. I wouldn't wait till 4 hours. If 5 doesn't do it, make it 6 every 3 hours. You can even make it 5 ounces every 2 hours. Trust me a full baby is MUCH happier. Oh and try to keep in mind how very tiny his tummy is. He can't 'hold' out longer. When he is hungry, he really IS hungry. He sounds like he is going to be just fine."   - 1 month ago.

  2. Hmmm.. To be honest I'm sensitive of them kind of things but VERY opinionated. If someone said to my son. His HUGE or what a BIG BOY. I guess I would reply back saying.

    "Thanx... Shame your kid ain't got any meat on him/her, Learn to feed your child"

  3. Ah, it's not easy dealing with people's insensitivity, and it's difficult to find a comeback that isn't equally hurtful.  I don't think people mean to be nasty, so you need to make them aware of how hurtful their comments are, in some kind of a funny way, which is a challenge. I'm not sure if my comeback is one you'd be happy making but personally I'd opt for "he's a baby, not a Christmas turkey!".  This puts them in their place by making them realise that they are forgetting your son is a human being, and avoids you having to say something directly nasty to the person who made the comment. Yet they should get the point.

  4. Tell her if she doesn't have anything nice to say don't say a word to you  Or your son.

    I have a 7 month old daughter and she weights 17pounds and 1 ounce. my father keeps saying that your feeding her to much or she going to be Fat like her Nana or Father. I tell him to shut up and leave the subject alone. And If he doesn't I ignore his comments towards my daughter his grand daughter. Good luck, I hope every thing works out well for You and your Son. Ps: It's your child don't let any one tell you different.

  5. I hate it when every tom, d**k and harry thinks they have the right to comment on you children, especially and unfortunately in your sons case when those comments are negative.

    How about:

    "Mind your own business"

    "Didnt your mother ever tell you if you havent got anything nice to say dont say anything at all?"

    Im not too good on the comebacks myself sorry so thats the best I can do!

  6. "Maybe next time you work out, he can do it with you."

    "He still weighs a lot less than you obviously do."

    "He's too young to diet.  What's your excuse?"

  7. You could say 'Yes... perhaps you're the mother?' lol. (implying that they are fat and the kid gets it from them).

    Or 'yes, and you are ugly, but at least he'll grow out of it.'

    Or, if they have a weight issue themselves, simply say 'Right back at ya!'

    Or, 'Well, you of all people should understand what it's like to have a weight issue.' Haha.

    I am overweight, and have been since kindergarten, please try to ensure he's lost weight before school starts. There's only so much of 'fatty fatty boomsticks' a child can take.

  8. Why are you even worried about having a comeback...that just shows how immature you are to even want that. Im sure people are just making a comment and they really don't mean anything by it and I am sure they are not saying he's fat. I think you just need to stop being so sensitive taking everything the wrong way, why not just the next time someone says something about him being big just smile and say yeah he was whatever lbs (that means pounds) and however many oz (that means ounces) when he was born, or how about yeah the doctors say hes really healthy.

  9. ur child is special; the way he is and no matter if he is ova wieght or unda wieght he is special in many ways. a good come back is telling them that if they dont hav any thing good to say that they should shut their mouthes no that they mite just be jelous that u were so blessed

    to hav a baby that they dont hav

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