
Need guidance on how to manage my extremely naughty 3yrs kid(boy) as he is will not silent to any of my words.

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From the time my son is 1yr old, my husband played with him teaching fighting with legs and beating with hands and showed him scenes of fighting and beating in the TV whenever shown, now he is extremely naughty beats everyone. My inlaws language of scolding is learnt by him and he repeats telling that, though i beat him harshly. I even tried to tell him in a smooth way & when i do that he will repeat that bad words telling i will not stop. Neither my husband nor my inlaws support me when i am trying to teach him good habits. None of the other kids come home to play with him bcz he beats him nicely.

Not able to know how to make him learn good habits as situvation of mine is like cannot take him to Mother house for some days(husband will not allow). Cant manage him if i take him outside also. Kindly suggest is there a way that can help me wher i can manage without support of husband and my inlaws? I am wrkng & not present b/w 8am-7.30pm at home. Desprately waiting for your answers.Thanks




  1. I believe that being firm and consistent are the keys in good discipline. But at the same time, it must be done with love. If you say "no" to your child, you must mean it. Then, you must follow through with what you say. My son is 16 months old now and he understands completely when I tell him no, and if he doesn't listen, there is always a consequence. I have also learned that spanking him gets no results from him. I had to find other ways of punishment such as time outs, removing his favorite toy, or removing him from a situation. Children will try to see how far they can push the limits, but remember you are the adult and you must set your boundaries and guidelines for them. If you set them now, you will not regret later. Good luck with it. Maybe you can also buy some good parenting books out there. There are tons!

  2. If you want a solution in real way, you should devote more and more time with him.share valuable time of life with him.Leave the job for some can get some possitive result.

  3. Dear Shreya,

    you should involve your husband in this, he is his son too. ask him to talk to him about his behaviour, teach him the correct stuff. when you husband starts getting involved, your inlaws will also get involved. you can not do this alone when everyone else is h**l bent on teaching the kid swearing words and stuff like that when you are not around. a few people do it on purpose, just to make mother's life a bit more difficult. not in everybody's case tho. so it is high time u talk to your husband to get involved. you r not a super human to do everything on your own. ask your inlaws not to let him watch TV when you r not around, he will scream and cry, but eventually learn that not all his tantrums work. he has to be taught to behave from now on, as he grows older, it will be difficult  and he may never learn.

    good luck.

  4. Do you know. How much time should parents spare with their children?

    First think how much time your parents gave to you when you were at your kid's age.

    I suppose you may find your answer from this itself.......

  5. inlaws hav a greater part of teaching to a child,if they are not supporting as you said then you hav to first talk to ur inlaws clearly about their t.v. shows and ofcourse to their language spoken in front of a child, i think the sychology of ur husband nd ur inlaws shows the fear of non acceptance of their ideas and their likings and that is the root cause of mishappening with ur child. hav u ever tried to let ur inlaws come out of this by giving them extra love and care,if it is done than u will definately win over ur problem. wish u good luck.

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