
Need help, possible fight to death!!! HELP PLEASE PLEASE?

by  |  earlier

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someone really big, and possibly deadly wants to fight me.

my idea to live, fake a paunch to his face, hit him in the side of the knee with my leg (karate move i learned from 5 years of it, but it seems like the only thing that will help and let him LIVE) so, if i do blow/ break his knee, is there a major proccess that costs money and time and possibly some of myy future?




  1. Don't go to the mall but if he comes after you defend yourself.

  2. I think the answer to your question is a relocation. Move elsewhere.


  3. u should just call the police

  4. As long as the other guys makes the first blow you got the argument of self-defense on your side.  Should keep you from getting sued from any injuries you may cause. So please, kick his a**.

  5. From 5 years of training you should be able to defend your self with one simple move. Don't show up. Yes you'll be called names and people will think you're scared but you don't get the **** beat out of you and you don't get sued, or sent to prison for assault.  And if you are a minor grow the h**l up and quit acting like a 5 year old. I've taught kids who are 5 that they shouldn't fight and behold none of them have gotten in any trouble at school since they started training.

  6. Sounds like one or both of you need to grow up.

  7. Nope you should be out for like 1-3 grand if you break his bone though

  8. i guess that your method is ok.:)

  9. Karate Chop him to the neck AND TKO HIM WITH ONE SWIPE LIKE AUSTIN POWERS ZOMG!!!!! If he comes to you to fight then beat his *** like a ******, but if it's avoidable then just avoid it... Those who fight are the ones that lose in the end because fighting is for losers who end up cleaning toilets at high schools or working at a factory packing pasta while everyone else is out earning a living and living comfortably.  

  10. Your question does not make any sense.  You have explained your proposed fighting tactics, but the question itself is unclear.  Please edit.

  11. If you have had 5 years of karate training you wouldn't need to be asking this question, you would know what the right thing to do is(hint it's not blowing out his knee). I smell troll.

  12. major process of what? don't understand your question

  13. yOU'RE IN DEEP S**T.

  14. Be brave and remember to stretch.  Yoga is intimidating.

  15. If you had 5 years of karate training, you'd know that the best way to defend yourself is not show up/run.

    I call BS

  16. well like most of the people who answered your question came up with a stupid answer okay.

    people need to learn to grow up these days seriously.

    well anyways hmm looks like your in a pretty crazyy situation. Also looks like your planning out the wrong stuff too. if your gonna fake a punch to the face it's not really gonna do much. if you fake a punch he can charge at you once he expects some kind of move and the thing is in a fight if they charge they'll keep hitting and try to make sure that you can't do anything. at the same time make sure he doesn't try hitting first.

    if he does make some kind of move of course you have to do something about.

    you already gave him a warning that you didn't want to so yeahhh. thinking about it you didn't mention if you did anything wrong so if you did you should apologize. or if it's just that he's being messed then that's seriously messed up. Know this that he would never make a good leader. a leader includes everyone and tries to keep peace and happiness amongst each other on the other hand he's trying to show anger humiliate someone and wants to be violent.

    if you do get him in a serious injury if you have to that's the way it goes. would you rather someone injured that can recover or would you rather someone dead?

    you should talk about it to some other people too it reallyyy helps a lot.  

    remember you only use self defense when you need it. in this situation it's not about being tough

    it's about seeing who's wiser and more thoughtful in this situation

  17. doubt you will

  18. groin, throat, eyes, run

    but your best bet is talking to the police before hand.

    worst case senario don't worry about fighting fair aim for the weak spots

  19. Your an idiot call the cops.

    Or my favorite beat the c**p out of him with a crutch

  20. just destroy him. mercy is for the weak. just say at the begining that i dont want to fight you and make sure everyone hears that so when u *** him up its his fault. break his leg arm whatever u can. make sure u put him down hard. go for nerves and joints. only kick the knee to smash his joint. no big fancy kicks cause if u *** up ur fuked.

    my favourite is to stay on thier inside and a quick jab to the throat. wont be doin **** after that. if ur scard of killing him, hit him with an open hand between ur thumb and index finger. wont kill him but will stun him enough to water his eyes.

  21. Avoid this fight. If you win you lose if you lose you lose. You need to get legal advice. Since you know that this guy wants to fight you and possibly has threatened to kill you you need the law involved. If you don't involve the law ahead of time and you actually severely injure this guy or kill him it will be viewed as premeditated.

  22. just summon your Lvl. 17 dragon demon from the depths of gorthraa.

    that should do the trick.

    oh, and stop letting your mouth write checks your a$$ can't cash!!

  23. The best way to survive a fight to the death is to not be there when one occurs. Not like he'll hurt you with witnesses around anyhow. Too risky. Just stay away and escape into crowds. Don't do anything stupid.

  24. Your future is already in question considering your spelling, and use of punctuation.  Grow up. Tell an adult. Stay in school.

  25. Don't fight on property, fight in the streets and you shouldn't face a charge. But don't take my word for it.  


    If he is just pushing you, use joint manipulation

    If he hits you once, hit him back harder

    If he doesnt stop then make him stop

    If he tries to knife you..... run

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