
Need help, what can i do for a job. ?

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I am 16 years old and i can live in China or Australia. I come from Australia but i have grown up in china. My mother kicked me out of home, she was drunk and things happen and there was an arguement and so on so on thats a other story. I am not a bad kid is what i am trying to say here. I can't go to school due to the fact that i dont have the best grades, does anyone know what i could do for a job in Australia or China. I am up for almost anything and i speak Chinese. It would be really nice if so one could help me out during this hard moment in my life, thanks.




  1. don't waste your time with cheap online opportunities!

  2. Go back to china and sell Dog meat there,

  3. You poor thing, I am so sorry for you.  I wish I was more familiar with how things work in China and Australia to give you some decent options.  Try researching job opportunities in both places.  I personally would pick Australia to live, but Chinese food is awesome.  Do you have any other family you could stay with?  I think you really need to get back in school and get your grades up.  It sounds like home is rough and even if you could make up with your mom, likely to happen again.  Are there any programs there in China or Australia for teens?  Like a group home?  Somewhere where you could go to continue school and maybe look for part time work?  Do some research online.  You might try reposting this in Yahoo Answers China and Australia.  Look at the bottom of the page and you will see the links for both countries. I hope you will get some more helpful answers besides the couple you received before this. People are jerks.  Best of luck!

  4. It is really important to finish high school.

    It is best to choose a career that matches your interests.  Otherwise, even if you are successful, you will not be happy with your work.

    This free site will give you a 30 minute quiz to find out what you are interested in, then it will give you a list of occupations that match your interests.  It also has information on the various occupations, like what training you need, what the job consists of, future demand, training needed, pay, etc.

    Click on: Full Flight > Assessment > Interest Profiler

  5. That's really sad that you're mother kicked you out.  Mothers shouldn't be drunk.  I hope you realize your mother's drinking and behaviour is not your fault.  I am not too familiar about getting a job in Australia or China.

    I think you should try to give a school another chance to get your grades up (I am sure you can because we all can improve our grades) or otherwise most jobs you'll probably find are labour jobs.  You might find someone who will take you on as an apprentice.  If you enjoy working in a trade like a mechanic or baker or a hairdresser or if you're a girl, a manicurist, or a clothesmaker.  There are so many factories in China mass producing clothes. However, I have heard negative reports about cheap labour from overworked underaged children in China in the clothes factory producing brand named clothes by wealthy companies from the US.  I am not sure if they have improved conditions by now.  

    However, you don't know what will work for you but always should try to keep your options open.  Try getting your grades up, in case you can't find a  trade that you could be successful in.  For instance don't ever allow yourself to get a bad report card.  That means drop courses that you're going to get an F or D (for not showing up or failing tests).  Or talk to the teacher and ask them how you can improve their marks.  Do what it takes to improve your mark. Ask for help online if you have to.

    But it sounds like you're not in school due to bad grades.  It's not too late to go back and try to do better.  Anyone can change and become more diligent in their studies.  Just work harder and retake courses that you failed or had a low grade and show that you're capable of doing them but maybe you were just immature at the time.  Just the second time around of returning to studies, that you act responsible and do as well as you can in all your courses, and retake courses and try to drop courses you may get a low grade.  If you get a good report card from now on, then it could help you.  Your previous low grades may still be on the report card or it may be overwritten by the higher grades by retaking the course (I don't know how it works where you are) but if your lastest grades are better, it will just show that you're academically more mature than you were before.  That is a good sign.

    If you do find a job, you might try to find out if you can take a course or two at night or something because you never know whether you can always hold onto the job.  It's always risky to depend on one thing.  Do the best you can in everything that you do so that you always have more options to go to if one thing doesn't work out the way you expected.  Hold onto all your options.  Work hard and follow your goals.

    You have to watch after yourself and make sure that you don't close any options for yourself.  It's a tough world.

    There will always be some people out there (like couple of unfriendly responses above) will always try to put you down and try to steer you away from any goals.  Pay no attention to them.

    I hope you will be able to find something that works out for you.  Keep building your skills and knowledge so that it's your own and hopefully you can apply it and make a decent income.

    Good luck.

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