
Need help! 10 points boy problems (guys and girls!)?

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k im a freshman in high school and theirs this guy i kind of have a crush on and i THINK he might like me too.

so anyways hes in like 4 of my classes and we're assigned to sit by eachother.Hes kind of shy i guess but he trys to talk to me sometimes. ive seen how he is with other girls and he doesnt really smile at them but he does to what can i do to see if he likes me? ive only know him for a couple of days so it wouldnt be normal if i just went out and asked him if he does.

but another problem is i think his friend might like me, because he always tries to talk to me and we all sit really close by eachother so how can i make it seem like im totaly not interested in his friend?!





  1. Since you can't serve two masters. ( as they say).

    Just take the one who ask's first. <}:-})

  2. I have a huge crush on this guy I sat next to in math last year, and right infront of me was my friend, Brad and I used to like brad, but i didn't anymore, but I really liked the other guy. so to make it clear to Brad that I liked this guy more, I just talked to the other guy and when me and brad talked it was brief, and said nothing interesting. but I flirted with the other guy, (and I'm pretty sure he was flirting with me back) and later on when we knew each other a little better I knew I felt comfortable telling him I liked him. I'm planning on telling him next week. thats when I get to see him again. school starts! :) so for his friend like Brad (who was also one of the other guys best friends) just don't sound much interested but more buddy to buddy. and for the other guy, just get comfortable talking in the first place, and soon enough you'll be comfortable enough to say how you feel

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