
Need help. Does anybody know a website with a list of autistic friendly doctors in california.?

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Need help. Does anybody know a website with a list of autistic friendly doctors in california.?




  1. Absolutely!

    We wasted precious months, even years, listening to neurologists and developmental pediatricians saying "There's nothing you can do."  Of course, these are the same experts who, when I first noticed an issue said "There's nothing wrong with him."

    This website has a list of providers (both doctors and "alternative practitioners" like chiropractors, homeopaths and naturopaths) listed by state.

    My advice is to try everything!  The medically accepted ABA therapy did nothing for my son, and seemed needlessly cruel.  After natural chelation, a gluten and casein free diet, and vitamin therapy, he improved miraculously.  We started when he was three, and he is now scheduled to be mainstreamed for second grade.

    A fantastic book - Children with Starving Brains: A Medical Treatment Guide for Autism Spectrum Disorder  by Jaquelyn McCandless

    Best wishes, and never lose hope!

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